yuma deserves so much love istg

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He struggles to open the door with shaky hands, but eventually manages to slide into the bathroom. He rushes to the sink, gripping it until his knuckles turn white. Breathe, Yuma. Breathe. But all he could think about was the chief. The chief. He had died to avenge the man who had killed his wife, Dr. Huesca.

He slumps to the floor, and pulls his knees up to his chest, hugging them. He rests his head on his knees, trying to calm down his breathing. It’s no use. The chief is dead, and it’s his fault. He could have prevented it, and he’s sure of that. His breathing becomes faster and raggedy. He hears a knock on the door, and he freezes.

“Yuma?...” He hears Desuhiko ask, sounding uneasy. Yuma looks up at the door, panic filling him. 

“Y-yes?” He forces out, wincing at the clear panic in his voice. 

“Are you okay? You seemed… upset when you ran to the bathroom just now.” Desuhiko asks worriedly, opening the door and stepping into the bathroom. He freezes when he sees Yuma, who looks away, not wanting Desuhiko to see him like this. “Oh. Oh god. Okay. No, you’re definitely not okay.”

Desuhiko hurries over to kneel down in front of Yuma. “Hey, hey, hey. Breathe. Focus on breathing, okay?” Desuhiko nervously looks Yuma up and down, clearly not having comforted someone before. A tear slides down Yuma’s cheek. He presses his face against his knees, hiding his face.

Shit.” Desuhiko blurted out, evidently panicking even further. He felt Desuhiko’s hands try to pry his arms away from himself, “Look at me, Yuma. Please.”

Reluctantly, he looked at Desuhiko, who frowned at his tear-stained face. It took Yuma all he had not to crumble under Desuhiko’s gaze. And when Desuhiko moved closer and wrapped his arms around Yuma, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. 

It was all too much. He had lost the person who took him in when he had lost everything. The man he had looked up to. He thinks about all the times he got the agency in trouble; all the stress he had caused Chief Yakou. He wished he could undo it. But what about the boy’s father who was falsely accused? Kurumi and her friend’s death that was—falsely—brushed off as a suicide? He didn’t know helping the Resistance would end up with him being accused of being a terrorist. He had just wanted to help. Help? He ended up helping a few people, by bringing the truth to light, but it ended with many lives lost, and the agency in danger.

It’s all his fault.

Chief Yakou would have gone to the secret lab regardless of whether Yuma had or not, but he still can’t help but feel like it’s his fault. Maybe he could have prevented it? Perhaps the chief could’ve been saved if he hadn’t gone to the mystery labyrinth? The poison would kill him after 30 minutes, but maybe there could have been something done. Perhaps the chief died before he had finished the mystery labyrinth? But he will never know, because Chief Yakou is dead. 

And he isn’t coming back.

His breathing got worse, and he choked on his sobs. Desuhiko grabbed Yuma’s face, leaning back to look at him. “Yuma, breathe with me. Please?” Yuma nodded and tried to copy Desuhiko’s breathing pattern. He eventually calmed down enough to speak.


Desuhiko’s eyes widened, and he hurried to reassure Yuma, “Don’t be sorry, my man! It’s okay. But,” Desuhiko narrowed his eyes, examining Yuma closely, “you know you can talk to me right? Bros are there for each other.” He flashed his grin.

“Yes, thank you, Desuhiko.” Yuma smiled sheepishly. He was grateful to have a friend like Desuhiko. Even if he was a bit weird at times, he was still caring. “I just… feel like I could’ve done something, you know…?” 

Desuhiko’s eyes widen at that, realizing what he’s talking about. “Oh, Yuma… There was nothing you – or we – could have done. If he didn’t die from his wounds, he would have died from poison. No matter how he died, it was inevitable. And no matter what we did… he would’ve gotten revenge somehow. Love blinds you, Yuma, and then the desire for revenge becomes overwhelming. Like with Chief.” 

Slowly, Yuma nodded, “T-thank you…” 

“It’s no problem, my man. I’m here for you, all right?” Desuhiko smiled.

He smiled, “And I’m here for you too, Desuhiko.” Yuma stood up, brushing off his pants, and offering his hand to Desuhiko.

 “You ready to go back?” Desuhiko asked. Yuma nodded, 

“I feel a lot better… Thank you again.” Desuhiko grinned as he let himself be pulled up. They walked back to the others and settled on the couch. The rest of the evening they all indulged in conversation, and a gambling session with Desuhiko and Halara. When Desuhiko caught Yuma looking at him, he grinned; and Yuma felt himself smile back, the heavy weight on his shoulders lessening.

Yumahiko oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें