Part 21

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Walter's pov

"Wille could I ask you something"
"Of course Walter what's wrong?"

-"and that's why we need to kill brad"
I end my rambling with a sigh and Wilhem looks a bit shocked"oh..uhh..okay, yes yes sure I-I think I can do that"

I walk back to me and Henry's room and see Henry behind his desk texting with someone

"Hey hen what are you looking at" "oh just on of my best friend Fleur she was my only friend growing up she's much younger than us tho but she's like a little sister I was thinking we could hang out with her

Henry: hey I was just thinking would you wanna hang with me and Walter

Fleur: omg yes of course when??

Henry: like now or something

Fleur: okay sure but how am I gonna get there

Henry: I can fix a car

Fleur: YOU HAVE A CAR?!?

Henry: yes sir do you want me to pick you up or not

Fleur: oh yes yes please

Henry : okay see you in 10 minutes :)

Fleur: see you in 10 :)


(I don't know how they got a car just forget this detail please😭)

Me and Henry step up the car and see a girl with red hair run to us "hey Fleur I love your hair did you cut it?" Henry says ruffling a hand through her hair "yea I got a cut or yea..I did it myself a bit..I know it looks bad please don't judge me" she says laughing and hiding her face in her hand "no it looks good" I say and she laughs "well where should we go we could drive to my house and we can hang their and get some snacks later?" "Sound good to me" I say and Henry nods

When we arrive at her house we walk in to see her dad on the couch watching football and drinking beer "hi dad I brought some friends" her dad just groans "get me another beer from the fridge" "oh..o-okay dad" fleur walks to the fridge and grabs a beer "here dad" she hands him the beer and for the dusty time he looks up "what are you wearing you look like a fairy" "oh" fleur looks down at her outfit "sorry" she says "let's go guys want to go get snacks" she says trying to hide the tears in her eyes "yea let's go" Henry says as he grabs her hand and mine and we are almost out the door Fleur turns around "wait I forgot my keys one second" as she walks back inside we hear a scream and we run back inside Fleur is laying on the ground and her head is bloody and we see something next to her a glass

I connected the dots in my head and jump to her "are you okay we need to get you cleaned up" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE" her dad screams at us and I jump her dad stands up from his chair and begins to walk to us so I pick up Fleur and Henry grabs the keys and we run I feel so bad for her

Henry goes and sits in the drivers seat and I carry fleur to the back seat "it's so sad that her dad is such a prick I wanted to punch him so bad" I say as I put a seatbelt around her "yea.." Henry says starting the car "how old is she and how did you actually meet?" "She's 14 and she was stepsister" "oh Henry that makes it even sadder" "yea..I wanna help her but I don't know how" "Henry..we, we could adopt her right?" "Yes we could were adults but do you think she would want that?" "Yes I think so you are already like a father to her I think"

We could ask her when she's awake..

HEY GUYS IM SO SO SO SORRY it's just that I went on vacation with my gamy and I didn't have time to write but I think I found just had a reality good idea how I'm gonna continue this book I could make a big time skip and after that do one shots I don't know I'll think about it but i will be posting tho (hopefully)

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