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Credits to: AmandaGardner2000

(Really long chapter)


Josie POV

I'm Josie Salzman and I'm one of the 20 omegas at my school. My sister Lizzie and my friend MG are also omegas but MG is dating Ethan who is an alpha and Lizzie is dating a beta, Jed. I hate alphas and the way they act I will never date one because of what happened when I was 14. I walk into school towards my friends

"Hey guys," I say to them and they all wave back

"Hey Josie remember my friend hope the one who had a huge crush on you, "Lizzie says

"Oh yeah the one with glasses and braces," I say closing my locker

"Yeah she presented as an alpha a few years ago and she and her parents moved back here she coming to this school today," she says walking towards the classrooms

"Ohh great another alpha" I groan closing my locker

"Come on jo you know she's not like that" Lizzie says as I walk away

"Everyone can change" I shout as I walk into Ms. bonnie room I sit down in the front of the room I'm usually the only one in the front because everyone wants to sit in the back. the bell rings and more people come into the room. I feel the chair pull out next to me and someone sits down. I turn to look and I see the side of a girl taller than me with light sun-kissed skin and striking blue eyes. My eyes go down to her arms there larger than any girl I've known. Her smell was weak but she was an alpha though she presented herself as a beta. Class starts and I turn my attention to the teacher a few minutes into class I feel a tap on my shoulder

"Hey today is my first day and I was wondering if I could borrow a pencil," the girl says laughing nervously rubbing her neck showing off her arms even more

"Yeah sure," I say giggling at her dorky smile

"Ok class whoever you are sitting by is going to be your partner for the next year," the teacher says and I turn back to the girl sitting by me

"I have a feeling we're going to work great together," she says

"Me too my name is Josie-" I cut myself off feeling a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. Oh no my heat is starting early

"Ms. bonnie can I go to the restroom," I say holding my stomach she nods, and I run to the bathroom not even going into a stall. I go through my bag looking for my pills but I can't find them. I hear the door open and see the alpha from the class coming toward me

"Please stay back don't hurt me" I plead crying putting my hands in front of my face

"Oh no no I'm here to give you these," she says handing me pills. I look at the bottle and their omega suppressant. I take the bottle and the girl backs away and goes into her backpack

"How do you have these," I ask taking two and then putting the cap back on and sliding towards her

"My mom is an omega though she is mated I still have them Also my best friend is an omega. I honestly keep them for any omega in need" she says pulling out clothes from her bag and taking the pills back

"Why are you giving me clothes," I ask taking them from her holding them in my hands

"To cover your scent. when I was walking there I saw some alphas sniffing around here" she says as I walk into the stall to change into the girl's clothes that have a stronger scent than her

"How are you not affected by my scent," I ask changing

"My parents own an omega support group for omegas who have been hurt or used by alphas. I use alpha suppressants for my smell so I don't scare any of the omegas I work with. I present myself as a beta so I don't trigger them" she says

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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