Posie/Henelope/Pizzie/Hizzie-We're a crooked love, in a straight line down

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Credits to: fruitsalad26

Throw me off a roof, Lizzie thinks, banging her head into the wall repeatedly. Murder me in the face. I want to eat glass. I want to accidentally fall off of a very steep cliff. Stab me in the-

"Lizzie!" Interrupting her inner monologue, Josie barges into their shared room, out of breath and with a confused pout on her face. "Care to explain why Hope nearly blew up the gymnasium?"

"I don't fucking know, I'm not her keeper," Lizzie grunts angrily. "Ask her yourself."

"Ooookay," Josie says, gently tugging Lizzie away from the wall. "What happened?"

"I... I don't really want to talk about it right now, Jo," Lizzie sighs, holding her (very injured, maybe she shouldn't have done that) head in her hands. "I'll tell you later though, I promise."

"Okay," Josie replies, smiling softly. "Do you want me to stay or do you want space?"

"Space, please," Lizzie replies, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards so Josie doesn't think she's completely insane.

"Okay," Josie relents, patting Lizzie's back before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.

Lizzie exhales.


"Hey, Blondie," Headache #1 is replaced with Headache #2 as Penelope Park struts into the room, very rudely opening the door Josie closed 2 seconds ago. Her signature lazy smirk is drawn on her face. "I saw Mikaelson earlier, she looked pissed."

"Not now, Penelope," Lizzie says, hoping the actual use of Penelope's name throws the other girl off. It doesn't.

"Wanna talk about it?" she asks, disingenuous as ever, popping the 't' sound obnoxiously.

"Seriously, fuck off," Lizzie groans. "Bother me literally any other time."

"I'll take you up on that. Where's Josie?"

"She just left."

"Any idea where your girlfriend went?"

"She's not my girlfriend," Lizzie spits, and a twisted sense of victory rises up as she sees Penelope recoil.

"Damn, ok," Penelope says, cautiously taking a seat next to the taller twin, who grumbles and turns away. "Wanna tell Auntie Penelope what happened?"

"No." Penelope waits about four seconds. Lizzie gives in. "Hope got angry about me 'always invading her personal space' or some bullshit," Lizzie shakes her head. "Like, we're dating? Isn't it normal to, I dunno, check up on your girlfriend frequently?"

"Umm..." Penelope trails off, definitely not used to being confided in. By Lizzie Saltzman, especially. "I don't know, in most of my relationships we don't usually use our mouths for talking."

"Ew, Satan, I didn't need to know that. Just go away if you aren't going to say anything insightful, though if you did, that would be a first."

"Right, sorry, sorry," Penelope says, genuinely guilty. Fuck, she's so bad at this.
"Ok. Um. Anything I can do to help?" She grimaces as soon as the words leave her mouth, and her regret sinks deeper as Lizzie whips her head around to look at the smaller witch.

Lizzie stays quiet for a full minute before slowly bringing her eyes up to Penelope's. Penelope gulps, knowing full well that there is a very good chance she will not make it out of this room alive. Finally, Lizzie's shoulders relax and Penelope lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Just... go away, Park. Go bother someone else."

Penelope takes the hint and scurries away, off to find her favorite Mikaelson.

Penelope thinks they're both colossal idiots. She's got her feet kicked up one Hope's couch, bordely twirling a pencil between her thumb and forefinger, as Hope's pacing around her room, muttering to herself and glaring at the floor.

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