Posie/Henelope/Pizzie/Hizzie-We're a crooked love, in a straight line down

Start from the beginning

"Okay, that's enough moping," Penelope says, pinwheeling her legs to sit normally. She halfheartedly flicks the pencil at Hope's forehead, and the latter pauses her angst-fest to look at her best friend. "You need to get your shit together and tell me what's going on."

"I just don't understand why she won't let me have personal space," Hope rants. Penelope mentally rolls her eyes. "We don't have to be together for every second of our lives, right?"

"You and Landon were attached at the hip," Penelope flatly points out.

"Well, that was different. We were younger and I was..."

"Unhealthily obsessed?"

"Yeah, that."

Penelope squints for a moment, thinking. Hope goes back to pacing.


"Ok, well, you know that Lizzie has codependency issues and a shitty history of people who treat her like garbage, and now that she's finally found someone good and kind and a really good kisser, she went and got herself overly emotionally attached," Penelope begins, words just flowing out of her mouth. "I know that you get super overwhelmed really quickly and need a lot of time to yourself for being angsty and for painting and thinking, and I think that if you explained that to Lizzie she would at least try and understand. And I think that both of you are freaking stupid for not communicating, because even a blind person could see how much you two love each other."

Well, damn. Apparently she is good at this (with anyone other than Lizzie. Or maybe it's just Hope).

However, none of that gets through Hope's dumb, thick skull. At least when she's upset like this.

"I am not talking to her. We're over. I'm done," Hope huffs. And she crosses her arms and looks away, and well, that's that.

Penelope rolls her eyes and plants an obnoxious kiss on Hope's cheek. "Come find me when you're ready to finally face your feelings," she calls, already halfway out the door.

Josie was having a nice, peaceful day, she really was. A nice walk in the gardens with Pedro, lunch with Ethan, and even a nap! Which was rare, these days. And then Jed's running to her, nearly knocking her over, before dragging her to the gym. Which was barely a gym anymore, really. Not after what Hope did. Smoke that curls from the lovely new crater filled her lungs, her mouth flattened into a thin line, and she went to find her twin.

And that's how her day became ruined, as well as very, very interesting.

She's in the kitchen now, munching on a piece of bread, thinking. Plotting, one might say. There's no doubt Penelope knows already, and Josie would bet that her ex-slash-friend-slash-kind-of-girlfriend(?) is already thinking about ways to get Hope and Lizzie back together too.

Hope, Lizzie, Penelope. Hope, Lizzie, Penelope. Which one do I go help (re: bother) first?

Josie doesn't have to make that choice, because Penelope comes in, her face lighting up when she sees Josie.

"JoJo! I was looking for you!" She hops up onto the counter, quickly kissing Josie in the process.

This is what Josie means by 'kind of girlfriend(?)'.

"So, Hope and Lizzie."

"Mmnm," Penelope grunts, plucking the bread out of Josie's hands. "Yeah. It's not looking pretty."

"I assume you're brimming with schemes?"

"Actually," Penelope sighs dramatically, "I've come up empty. That's why I was looking for you."

"You must have some ideas."

"Locking them in a closet, which is nonconsensual and childish, bothering one of them until they finally get their shit together, which I don't have the patience for, and getting them extremely drunk so they're not afraid of confrontation, which is kind of the best idea I've had yet."

"Hmm," Josie frowns. "Yeah, none of those I approve of."

Penelope grunts, finishes the bread, then swings off the counter and drags Josie's hand. "C'mon."

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere more comfortable."

They end up in Penelope's room, Penelope sitting like a normal human being at one end of the bed with Josie sprawled out across the rest of it, head on Penelope's lap. Penelope's hand strokes through her hair out of habit.

Suddenly, Josie sits up as inspiration strikes. (Not the Cleo kind. The regular "oh wow my brain cells randomly worked!" kind). "Fake date one to make the other jealous!" She sits up, Penelope's hand flying up in response.

"JoJo, they hate each other. Right now, neither of them wants to get back with the other," Penelope points out. "Besides, Hope would never agree with that, she's too mature, and no one for a second would believe that Lizzie and I are dating."

"I'm gonna ignore the implication of Lizzie's maturity level," Josie says. "Ok. What if we fake date?"

"How would that help in any way?"

"Uhh... Maybe they would see how happy we are and make them realize how much they miss and need each other?" Josie's grasping for straws at this point.

"The plot would get really convoluted at that point. And that also just seems like lazy writing. Something out of a CW show," Penelope refutes. Then, she giggles. "You know, if you wanted an excuse to date me again, JoJo, you could just ask."

Josie blushes, and Penelope leans down, and the door bangs open.

Lizzie wrinkles her nose. "Ew, Park. Were you two about to fuck?" Penelope opens her mouth. "Never mind," Lizzie cuts her off. "I don't want to know."

"Why are you in my room, Blondie?"

"I need to talk to you."

"What if you just barged in and Hope was here?"

Lizzie flinches at the name. "I would know. Super-hearing now, remember?"

Josie squints her eyes in suspicion. "Why would you want to talk to Penelope? Willingly?"

"None of your business, dear sister. Now shoo."

Josie looks at Penelope, then Lizzie, then back at Penelope. She shrugs. "Ok then." She rolls off the bed, and out the door, bonking Lizzie in affection on the way.

Penelope sighs. "What do you need?"

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