Jungkook: "Tae, your ass is rubbing my dick right now, I'm trying to concentrate."
Taehyung chewed his lip seductively.

Taehyung: "Jungkookie, why don't you concentrate on me" he whispered, a finger between his lips as he looked at Jungkook sweetly.

The younger cursed and paused his game, pulling at the collar of his shirt which felt a little too constricting right now, before turning to Taehyung, eyebrows raised.

Jungkook: "Tae, I told you I'm finishing my game okay? I'll give you all the attention you want afterward but for now, can you just behave?"

Taehyung nodded obediently before Jungkook unpaused his game, continuing where he left off, furiously pressing buttons on his keyboard and letting out curse words now and then. It's a shame that the word 'behave' wasn't in Taehyung's vocabulary.

Taehyung smirked slightly before leaning back into Jungkook's chest a little more, putting his face into the crease of his neck, nuzzling his nose at the soft skin there, and grazing his teeth delicately over the skin.

Taehyung let out a tiny whine at the feeling of Jungkook's strong arms wrapped around his body, cradling him. He took a finger and lightly traced the tattoos that were present on Jungkook's right arm and licked his lips at the sight of his muscles flexing as Jungkook's hands tapped quickly along the keyboard.

Taehyung felt Jungkook's gaze on him momentarily before he bit down harder on Jungkook's neck, pushing his hips down into Jungkook's lap, circling them slightly.

A small gasp of surprise left the olders mouth as his hand shot out to clamp down on Taehyung's thigh.

Jungkook: "Looks like you're so desperate for my attention that you really can't behave, isn't that right baby?" He said, hand still clamping down on Taehyung's leg and holding him in place, although Jungkook could still feel the hot breath of Taehyung along the column of his neck.

Taehyung whined in response as Jungkook pushed him gently off of his lap.

Jungkook: "I told you to behave bear and you just couldn't sit still. Like I said, you can have attention when I'm finished alright?" he said sternly, eyebrow raised and lips pulled into a straight line.

Taehyung however was immediately back to sulking, seeing as though his plan had not gotten him what he wanted, sitting cross-legged on the sofa that sat in the corner of the study. 

Taehyung just wanted his boyfriend's strong arms around him.

A flush found its way to the boys cheeks as he pulled his plump bottom lip between his teeth. He turned his attention to his boyfriend. Jungkook's sharp jaw clenched in frustration at his game and his gorgeous brown eyes that were focused on the screen in front of him.

Jungkook had his tongue stuck out slightly in concentration whilst his brows were pulled together. Taehyung couldn't help but admire his gorgeous boyfriend, and it only made him crave his attention more. The younger whined softly at the sound of Jungkook growling angrily at his game and clenching his fist slightly, cursing.

Taehyung's hand crept back down to the hem of his jumper, swiftly pulling the fabric off of his body and tossing it onto the sofa next to him. The offensive piece of clothing only stifled him and made him too hot...or was it the sight of his boyfriend in front of him?

Taehyung didn't know what had come over him, or why he was getting so worked up over something so...normal. The boy chewed his lip as his fingers once again crept downwards, towards the waistband of his trousers, playing with it and teasingly slipping his fingers underneath it slightly.

A hot flush was beginning to form on Taehyung's cheeks and his mind was filling further with all kinds of images of Jungkook fucking him hard into the sofa or Taehyung bouncing on his cock at the desk. He let out a heavy sigh and slipped his hand into the space between his boxers and his trousers, only allowing delicate whispers of touches over the growing bulge. He shut his eyes tightly and pressed down slightly, bringing welcome pressure to his aching cock before tracing his finger up and down his shaft. 

Talking to him after a breakup (TAEKOOK)(TopKook)Where stories live. Discover now