.camping incovenicance.

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(don't ask about the picture above.. I thought it looked cool.. imagine it's the bear idk)
Saitama + [name]

(I added a video for you to listen to while you read, feel free to listen or not.)

You'd been sitting in this tent for hours now, after it got dark, you had to go inside, you groaned, getting a notification from your phone, Aha! Could this be him? It was! There was 2 notifications from Alex, you opened the app, and your eyes widened, jaw dropped. They read:

'Hey, sorry [Name], I won't be coming camping tonight, I got caught up in a monster attack."

"hope you can understand."



"What the hell?!" You screamed furiously into your phone, clenching it so hard you swear you saw the phone screen malfunctioning, you had just seen on his instagram a minute after he texted you that he's in a club, partying, holding beer, while some young 19 year old girls clung onto him lovingly. Not only has your boyfriend, Alex lied to you, but left you out in a dark forest, in which he only knows how to navigate.

You instantly broke down, considering the possibility you could die here, "not only is there monsters to worry about, but wildlife like bears.. wolves.. cougars!" My shoulders shook and I curled into a ball, sniffling as I couldn't control my overpowering emotions.
"That bastard.." My voice was shaky. I wasn't going to give Alex another chance after this. No, not after he left me to get beaten up by a monster, and cheated on me. How could I be so naive? To give him another chance, and another.. and another.

My friend's always told me I should break up with him anyways, a small part of me wanted to listen to her.. but it's too late.

A bears bellow echoed from a distance away. You gasped, eyes growing wider with fear. "Jesus, this is a nightmare.." You clasped a hand over your mouth, body shaking, only hearing it's low growls getting closer. Alex told you he'd bring the bear spray.

'I've had enough of this.' Your adrenaline pumped, as it smashes a huge paw of its on the tent, almost tearing through it. You screamed. Even though your legs shook, you burst out of that tent, firmly holding your trusty flashlight with you. And sprinting through the forest, just a few second after you started running, the bear noticed you, and let out a menacing roar, it started sprinting after you.

'am I gonna die here?' Your head spun as you ran for your life, what did you have to do to get born into such a cursed world? You must've been running for about five minutes, the bear had trouble chasing you through the dense forest, as you climbed under tree roots and branches to get away from it. There was a river up ahead, without even thinking, you jumped into the rapids, straining yourself to grab onto rocks in order not to be pushed away by the current, with all your struggling, the water was freezing, and you just wanted this to be over. You tried desperately to stay afloat, and you did reach the other side, only to look back and see the bear, nearing you again.

From going in the water, your flashlight broke, you clung into it for dear life, just in case you needed to attack it.. but you could hardly picture yourself harming it... it was almost taller than you! With no light source, you were bleeding, all over from slamming into trees, rocks and branches, it seemed the bear had given up the chase, as I could no longer hear its bellows. You limped through the forest, heavily breathing.

'my body is numb from all this adrenaline, I can hardly feel the pain.'

Your eyes drifted to your legs and arms.. god, so many gory cuts and bruises..

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