Chapter 4 - Bittersweet

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Third Person POV

Miguel sat next to his wife, tears streaming down his face. He clutches her left hand, careful not to disturb the IV needle in her forearm or the pulse oximeter on her finger.

"My love..." he chokes out. No amount of "I'm sorry" could possibly express his guilt.

"I wasn't there for you"

It snowed for the first time since February today. Miguel and Y/n should have been walking around the Central Park, holding hands and drinking piping hot coffee, enjoying each other's presence. It was their tradition to go out during the first snow of fall or winter.

They should have been out and about.

Where did the time go? When did everything spiral like this? When did things get out of hand?

All of the questions Miguel asks himself are silenced by the beeping of a heart rate monitor. He kisses the palm of her hand, and the heart rate monitor increased its beeping.

Upon noticing this, Miguel breaks into a sobbing smile. His love is alive, but not well. It's almost comedic, his touch still making Y/n's heart race. Like two lovebirds who never left the honeymoon phase. Oh if only...

But he couldn't help but wonder... was it distress? Last time he kissed her, she broke down, fleeing almost immediately. She constantly seemed nervous nowadays, like she wanted to say something. Like she was going to burst.

Over the course of a day, Miguel had witnessed Y/n break down, learned why via a very pissed Hobie Brown, almost lost her without a chance to say goodbye, and was the last to learn she'd be okay. A cocktail of emotions strong enough to make anyone break was inside Miguel, and break he did.

Sure enough, the stoic and cold Miguel O'Hara was now weeping. Large, hot tears fell from his face and stained the white sheets below him. Through his shaking, strained voice, he begins to speak. "Y/n... I am so, so sorry." His voice falls to a whisper. "I don't know if you can hear me, but..." he trails off, unable to continue talking. He kisses the top of her hand, holding it up to his cheek. Her hand was cold, like ice, and it made Miguel shiver.

His gaze rested on her face, trailing down her neck, and then he noticed something... a new scar. The edges of it trailed up her neck, flowing down to her chest... a Lichtenberg figure. Just as people say, it looked like fern leaves. Miguel thinks back fondly to when they found a Sensitive Fern at a plant store. Cue them touching every single leaf, staring in awe and smiling like idiots at the leaves closing.

The good times.

Miguel couldn't help but cry. This was all his fault, down to the moment Y/n got hit by Electro.

Survivor's guilt is a bitch.

He sobs for a good long while, until his eyes were sore and his head hurt. He wanted to give his apologies and beg for her forgiveness. He would do anything, anything for it. She wants the sun? He'd make it into a lava lamp and conquer the entire solar system while he's at it. He'd make the entire world- no, the multiverse bow to her if it meant her forgiveness. He'd betray his own ideologies for her, whether he knows it or not.

Eventually, he brings himself to leave her. Not for long, mind you, but to grab a few things. He was going to stay by her side until she woke up, visiting hours be damned. Miguel went to the nearest restroom and splashed cold water onto his face, patting it dry. He then exited towards the penthouse to grab a few things.

Meanwhile, Hobie and the rest of the spiders are throwing a "let's calm down" party in the Spider-hotel room Y/n was in before the mission. Each person was enjoying her favorite foods and drinks left behind, celebrating that she will be okay. Listening to music and laughing and dancing.

It's Too Bad You're Married To Me - Miguel O'Hara x Wife!readerWhere stories live. Discover now