"You are so fast, yes." The woman said happily as she held Grogu. Din sighed heavily from beside me and I placed my hand over his in a small attempt at comfort. Din turned his hand over and linked his fingers with mine.

"You see, it was time for our planet to move Into a new age. We held direct democratic elections for the first time in our history." The woman said as she fed Grogu small pieces of food.

"We are both royals and elected leaders." The man said proudly

"And the Mandalorian privateer warships docked in your fields?" Din questioned

"Oh, we hire them for protection. Our charter forbids us from having a military because of my husband's Imperial past." The woman explained as she rubbed Grogu's head affectionately.

"But because of this, all of our resources go to growth and the people." The man stated

"I'd like to speak to these privateers." Bo-Katan said

The couple looked at each other with a smile.
"That can be arranged. There is just one condition." The man said

"What?" Bo asked

"You really must see the view." The man said, I furrowed my brows at the change in topic before I realised he must want to talk to us in private.

"Right this way. We'll just be a moment.
Enjoy your meal, don't get up." He said to his guests as he stood up.

"Let's show our guests the view." The man said to his wife.

Din, Bo and I stood up from our seats and began to follow the couple towards a large set of windows that led out to a balcony.

"We have a problem." The woman said in a hushed tone

"Yes?" Bo questioned

"A droid problem." The man replied

"What kind of droid problem?" Din questioned tensely.

"Malfunction." The woman said

"A coordinated malfunction." The man added

"We think." The lady stated

"What makes you think that?" Din asked as we walked across what seemed to be a game pitch.

"The planet's imperial droids were reprogrammed for peace." The woman said

"I personally oversaw the problem." The man added. "I can assure you they were completely rehabilitated for peaceful purposes. Exclusively."

"We thought." The woman said

"They were, my love, I personally oversaw the program." The man said

"What kind of Malfunction?" Din asked, interrupting their brief lovers quarrel

"I mean, nothing too serious at first. Unexpected power cycles. Deleted task stacks." The man said

"Then it got worse." The duchess said

"Traffic accidents. Heavy equipment failures leading to injury." The man stated

"Assault." The duchess added in an upset tone

"Assault?" Din asked, causing the duchess to nod at him

"Respectfully, what does this have to do with us?" Bo-Katan asked

"Our Constance's are Ill equipped to confront battle droids." The duchess said

"Battle droids?" Din asked, I could hear the shock in his voice so I gently took his hand again. Din and battle droids don't have a pleasant history in the slightest.

"Uh-uh-uh-uh. Former battle droids. They've been rehabilitated for civic duty." The man said

"We thought." The duchess interrupted

"They were." The man argued

"Obviously not." The duchess argued back

"The Mandalorian garrison outside your city walls can make quick work of your battle droids." Bo-Katan sighed

"That's just it." The duchess said with a frustrated tone

"What?" Bo-Katan asked in confusion

"Our charter forbids any standing army from entering our city. Our constables aren't even allowed to carry blasters." The duchess explained

"But you allowed us to be armed." Din stated

"Exactly. The people have voted that we are a pluralistic society. You are Mandalorians. Weaponry and armor are intrinsic to your culture, are they not? And you are a Jedi, your lightsabers are a part of your culture and religion." The man stated enthusiastically

"They are." Din agreed

"You see where we're going here?" The man said

"You found a loophole." I stated

"You want us to eliminate your droid problem." Bo-Katan stated

"Exactly." The man said happily

"I knew you would help us." the duchess said happily

"Hold on there, your Majesty. We didn't agree to help you."

"Please, Princess Kryze. Your Grace. This is not intended to be a work of charity." The man pleaded with her

"Unlike my brethren outside your city walls, I am not a mercenary." Bo-Katan explained

"Apologies if that is the impression I gave. What I intended to convey is that I would hope that this excursion would be viewed as an act of diplomacy between our two planets. In fact, Plazir-15 would formally recognise Mandalore as a sovereign system and petition the New Republic to recognise it as such." The man explained. I glanced between Bo and Din as he spoke, that seemed to be a good deal. Beneficial for both parties.

"The mercenary captain, Axe Woves, indicated that he split from you because you had designs on ruling Mandalore once again." The duchess explained

"Those plans have been abandoned." Bo-Katan said

"The offer stands nonetheless." The man said

"What do you think?" Bo-Katan suddenly asked Din

"You had me at battle droids." Din stated, causing me to laugh lightly at his bluntness. I guess we were going to be hunting down rogue battle droids then. Not that I have any issue with destroying them all with my blades. 

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