"I'm here for the Dragon" Athanasia said casually, which made Harry and Hermione put their guard up.

"You know?!" Harry said bewildered, worried that everyone already new.

"What do you think I'm here for?, having tea time with Hagrid?, Well that doesn't sound bad but I don't have time for that, but Dragon,  Well that's a different matter" Athanasia said as she look at Norbert with so much adoration.

"How'd you know?" Hermione ask her while Harry told Hagrid of Charlie's letter.

Athanasia pat Norbert head which the Dragon ask for more.

"Guess" Athanasia answered.

"Malfoy!, don't tell me he spread the words to the whole Slytherin?!!" Harry said with worry.

Athanasia shrugged.

"And Malfoy even got Charlie's letter, he may know what's going to happened!!" Harry exclaims.

Athanasia look at the both of them like they are a bunch of idiot.

"it's not our fault!, Ron gave the book containing Charlie's letter to Malfoy!!" Harry defended.

"I said to you before, always be aware of your surroundings" Athanasia said.

"You don't know what's lurking in the shadow that wants to hurt you" Athanasia muttered thinking of Quirrell.

While Harry thought of Snape.

"Well, I'm done here,......good bye, and good luck about your endeavours, good bye Norberta..." Athanasia said as she kissed the Dragon's head.

The Dragon breath fire like saying good bye to her.

"Its name's Norbert, and it's a he!!" Hagrid corrected but Athanasia just walk away, waving her hands to them.

"She's, gone" Harry said. while looking at the Dragon who's still breathing fire.

"But, she's really weird" Harry said.

"What can we do, she's Athy" Hermione said.

Harry and Hermione carried Norbert using the invisibility cloak.

"Nearly there!" Harry panted as they reached the corridor beneath the tallest tower.

Then a sudden movement ahead of them made them almost drop the crate. Forgetting that they were already invisible.

They shrank into the shadows, staring at the dark outlines of two people grappling with each other ten feet away.

Professor McGonagall, in a tartan dressing gown and a hairnet,and in her hand, she had Malfoy by ear.

"Detention!" she shouted " And twenty points from Slytherin! Wandering around in the middle of the night, how dare you-" Malfoy cut her off.

"You don't understand, Professor, Harry Potter's coming- he's got a Dragon!" Malfoy tried to defend himself and give Harry away.

"What utter rubbish! How dare you tell such lies!, Come on- I shall see Professor Snape about you, Malfoy!" Professor McGonagall Said sternly.

After that Harry and Hermione move on, and the steep staircase up to the top of the tower seemed the easiest thing in the world after that.

Not until they reach the place, that they took off the cloak, it's absolutely freezing, which made them hug themselves.

"Malfoy's got detention!, I could sing" Hermione said, she sound pleased.

"Don't" Harry advise.

Chuckling about Malfoy, they waited in the dark as Norbert thrashing in his crate, About ten minutes later four broomstick came swooping down out of the darkness.

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