Back to Hogwarts!

Start from the beginning

Athanasia entered the train and made her way to the end of the train, where she finds an empty compartment.

She entered and put her luggage beside her, opening her book and read to relax herself.

The compartment slide open and it reveal Draco Malfoy.

"I know, I would find you here" Draco said.

Athanasia closed her book and look at Draco's arrogant face.

"I think I'm still not okay, why would I feel happy seeing your face?" Athanasia said.

Draco felt offended and he scoffed but a smile still formed in his face.

"You didn't write Back, mother's worried you know" Draco said.

"Hmmm, sorry, it just you know, me being the head of the house, many things to do" Athanasia said.

Draco, knows it was her excuse, the one managing House Pevrell is Alfred until Athanasia came of age, but he didn't pry to much.

"Good to see you, alive and well" He said while smiling at Athanasia.

"Oh, what do we have here, Draco Malfoy, is worried, Potter would love to see you like this-, goody two shoes" Athanasia tease.

Which made Draco scoffed in the mention of the Potter boy.

Athanasia look at the window and can already see the huge castle.

"We're near" She said.

Athanasia look at her room, she would never thought she would miss this room, that was not even as big as her room in the Manor.

Well, she's back at Hogwarts.

She laid in her bed, tiredly, Well, she's sleepy.

Athanasia learned that Snape will be refereeing in the next Quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

Athanasia guess that it may be because of what happened in the first match.

Remembering what happened in the Quidditch match, Athanasia attention shift to Daphne Greengrass who's been avoiding her like She's kind of a plague.

'She really scared her uh' Athanasia thought.

Draco said to her, that her eyes change again when the incident happen.

And that she's about to use one of the Unforgivable curse to Daphne, Athanasia want to slap herself, she pride herself for being calm no matter the situation is, and now it's ruined.

Athanasia wants to ask for forgiveness but Daphne seemed to be avoiding her, she know she can't push her too much so she let it be, they have seven years together, she didn't believe she will be able to talk to Daphne in those seven years.

Athanasia decided not to watch the match and just stay on Snape Lab.

Athanasia kinda lied to Alfred, she is still not Okay, she grown weary of the crowd, her sight seemed to improve and not just that, even her hearing, now she can't control it, so her head and ears ache because of the noise that's why she avoided the match.

Athanasia left Snape Lab and directly walk towards the kitchen, she's starving.

She look at the Houses elves who busy themselves with many things.

When one talk to her.

"Is there anything we can help you with, Lady Pevrell?" one of the elf ask.

"Can I have some light food, and Milk please" Athanasia said politely.

The elf noded eagerly.

"Can you bring it in my room?" Athanasia ask.

"Will do, Lady Pevrell" the elf said as it run off to make her food.

Athanasia left the kitchen and just walk through the corridor, the nearest House to Slytherin is Hufflepuf who's the nearest to the Kitchen.

Athanasia walk aimlessly to halls and found herself into the place where the entrance of the hidden tunnel she found.

Athanasia put her hands on the wall and suddenly the wall opened up.

Athanasia look at it and hesitate, she turned her back and didn't enter, instead she found her way back to the halls.

She look at Peeves who seemed to be delighted she tried to do something on the floor.

"Oh!, here you are Pevrell, I've been lonely without you!" Peeves said energetically as he circled around her.

"Not now, Peeves" Athanasia said.

"Well, you seem not Well, but did you know, Harry Potter catch the snitch and won Gryffindor another game" Peeves told her.

So Harry won again uh, it seems like luck is in Gryffindor side, since Harry entered Hogwarts.

"You need to level up your game,  Gryffindor may defeat Slytherin and win the House Cup" Peeves said.

"I don't really care about the House cup" Athanasia said.

It just a way to make the student competitive.

"Well, Peeves, good night" Athanasia said as she walk away, and walk towards the dungeon.

She walk inside her room and opened her case.

Looking at the unicorns heart, Athanasia felt her quiet day will soon be chaotic.

This is Hogwarts after all, with the boy who lived and the old fox Dumbledore.

She expected nothing less.

Athanasia, look at her homework, and did the revisions she didn't manage to do because of what happened, and it didn't help that exam is getting nearer.

Athanasia sigh......

Well, a way to welcome her back.


A filler chapter.

boring I know.

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