Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Melody POV:

I am so excited about tonight! It’s been a while since we have had a girl's night. Every time we had one we had it at either Charlotte or Piper's house but now that Piper knows the secret we can have them at the man cave. I have never had a sleepover here for obvious reasons and this will be the first time anyone besides my uncle will see my room. Last night I was freaking out so much that I clean and reorganized my room. I asked my uncle to help me pushed the two pieces of the couch together to make a huge bed. I started to put sheets on the cushion and then add some pillows and blankets. Schowz came in and put on a sheer white curtain with fairy lights to wrap around the couch. It looked so great. I was so hyper last night I almost couldn’t fall asleep. Once I did fall asleep I slept in too much and miss the bus. I called Piper hoping she wasn’t already at the school. Thankful she wasn’t and told me she will be there in a few minutes. I thanked her then ran to the auto snacker and grabbed two donuts and smoothies for the two of us. I walked to the elevator but before I got there I was stopped by my uncle.

“Where are you going Kiddo?” he asked me. I looked at him confused and said “Um. School?” He shook his head. “It’s Saturday you don’t have school.” “What no it is not it is Friday,” I told him. When argued about it for about 5 minutes. I got tired of this so I pulled out my phoned and showed him. He looked at it shock then shook his head. “You know what I am going back to bed” I laughed at him and went up the elevator. When I got up to the shop I saw Piper was already up there. I enter her car and she said, “You know I am not your free chauffeur right?”. I nodded and said, “That is the reason I brought these”. I handed her her donut and smoothie. She smiles “Thank you, Melody”. “Anytime Pips!” I smiled back at her. “Are you excited for tonight?” I asked her. She glanced at me and nodded. “Of course I am! Plus we have never seen your room and I am wondering what it looks like. Oh, also I already told Charlotte this but I say we go to Hip Hop Puree before going to the Man Cave and I was hoping you could bring your new friend with us.” I thought about that for a second. I don’t mind Mika coming but I don’t know how she would feel about Piper and Char. I also act differently with them than I do with Mika. But then again I shouldn’t hide this side from her. I want her to like me for me and be my friend because of me. When I was thinking this we finally got to the school she park and we went to the building. Right before we enter I turn to her. “I will ask but I don’t know if she will agree.” She nodded “Okay then text me what she says”. I nodded and walk into the building to go to class.

Mika POV:

I walked into my third-period class really hoping that Melody would be there. I haven’t seen her all day. She wasn’t on the bus this morning and I am worried about her. I wish I had her number. I swear next time I see her I will get her number. I entered the classroom and looked over at Melody's seat. She wasn’t there but some other kid was sitting in her seat. I went to go to my seat but someone was already in my seat. I looked around the classroom and I saw Bose pointing at the open seat in front of him. I slowly walked over there and sat down. I started to pull out my stuff for the class and then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Bose smiling at me. “Hi Mika,” he greeted. “Hello Bose,” I greeted him and awkwardly smiled. He was about to say something but I turned around when I heard the chair next to me be pulled out. It was Melody. She sat down and started to get her stuff out when she was done she turned to me. “Hey Mi, how are you? You seem worried,” she asked me. "You weren’t on the bus yesterday or this morning. I was worried about you” I told her. She looked at me shocked. “I am sorry. I don’t ride the bus in the afternoon and I miss the bus this morning. Here is my number if this happens again text or call me okay?” She replied and gave me her number. I smiled at her and nodded.

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