Prologue: The Despair Sekai

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*Rui opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. He didn't recognize this sky. It was a strange gray color. He sat up and yawned.*

Rui: "*What is this place?*"

*He saw a school in the distance and stood up. No one else was around. Strange. Rui walked towards the school carefully until, he saw a familiar face. It was a girl with long grayish green hair tied into two twin ponytails at the front. Her purple eyes were very recognizable.*

Rui: Nene! Hey Nene!

Nene: Hm? Rui? Is that you?

Rui: Yes! How did you get here?

*He ran to her side, both of them looking confused to see each other.*

Nene: I just clicked untitled and I was transported here instead of the sekai...

Rui: "*Now that I think about it... I think I clicked untitled too...*"

Rui: Did you spot anyone else in the sekai?

Nene: Not yet... I was just heading for the school until I saw you.

Rui: Maybe Tsukasa and Emu are here too. We should look for them.

Nene: Yeah...

*The two walked together to the school and got to the front doors. They suddenly heard... Voices.*


???: Akito, maybe you shouldn't tug on them like that-

???: This school is annoying...

Rui: It sounds like Aoyagi and Shinonome...

*Rui opened the door and saw four kids together. He recognized three of them as Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, and An Shiraishi. There was also a small girl with sandy blonde hair tied into two pigtails with them. She looked really nervous and scared about something. An spotted Rui and she waved aggressively.*

An: Hey Kamishiro and Kusanagi!!!

Nene: Hi, Shiraishi...

Akito: Oh great... We have a psychopath added to the mix now...

Rui: I wouldn't exactly call myself a "psychopath" but-

Toya: Maybe we should focus on the problem at hand. We can't get out of the school.

Nene: But, we just entered the door right here-

*She tried pulling on the handle but it didn't budge. Nene stepped back perplexed.*

Rui: That was unlocked a couple seconds ago...

*Rui noticed the blonde girl again looking around nervously.*

Rui: Is that your friend, Shiriashi?

An: Mhm! This is Kohane! She's the bestest partner anyone could ask for!!

Kohane: I-I wouldn't say that, An...

Nene: Nice to meet you...?

*He realized Nene was fishing for the girl's last name. Kohane got the hint.*

Kohane: Azusawa. It's Kohane Azusawa.

Nene: Nice to meet you, Azusawa.

*Suddenly, some alarm went off.*

*Ding bong bong dong*

???: Hellooooooo everyone! Please make your way to the gym before I come out and drag your sorry asses to it myself!! See you kids there!!!

*The speakers turned off. Rui was still left horribly confused.*

Akito: That voice sounded familiar...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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