MOVIE: Take 67. A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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"@NolaValencia WOW! I have come to the realization that you are the love child of Shakespeare and Einstein. It's the only possible solution for how beautifully written and ingenious your story is. I feel like I just read every secret in the world, and any minute now, I'm going to go to jail for reading something that was too secret. Fayth's story and her life OMG! I honestly spent my days trying to solve the pieces or coming up with theories, and this was just sooo much better. I can't even begin to tell you in words or express my love for Fayth. It's rather wild and scary, really. I bow down to you. Thank you for this story."

"Look at this heartfelt comment! Have you ever seen anything like this?!" My heart swarmed and flew to Venus (it got pretty darn hot). Thanks so much for the awesome and SUPER sweet comment. I'M STILL TRYING TO GET OVER THE WHOLE SHAKESPEARE AND EINSTEIN MASHUP! I'M SO DAMN FLATTERED! I <3

The walk to the Academy's headmistress's office was the longest walk Fayth had ever made. Every step took her closer to the big doors, and she had a very firm feeling on what Dr. Dean was calling her for. Surely, she knew that Fayth was no longer accused. Surely, she was going to apologize and move her back into the regular classes like she did with most of the members.

Fayth didn't want that. She liked L.A.T.I.L. It was so much more quiet there. So much more predictable.

She stopped behind the big doors and took a deep breath before putting herself under as much collected control as possible. Then, she opened the door and walked in.

Dr. Dean stood somewhere between the window and her desk, staring out the glass from afar. Her arms were crossed, and she was standing there lost in thought. When she heard the door close, she turned and looked at Fayth, and a smile broke on her lips instantly.

She acknowledged Fayth differently than the last time she was here, and it caught Fayth by surprise. She didn't expect to see such a beautiful light aura on the incredibly serious and stuck-up person from before.

Dr. Dean seemed to be apologetic and kind—and apologetic. Fayth suddenly became fearful that her thoughts about the meeting were right. Dr. Dean seemed to have realized her mistakes.

"Oh, I'm so glad you could make it," she said, quickly ushering for Fayth to have a seat on the leather chair. "Are you thirsty? Or cold? Are you both? I'll get you something warm if you'd like. It's such cold weather outside nowadays."

Fayth shifted in her seat and wondered why the sudden change of heart—why Dr. Dean was suddenly so odd. "Um, coffee sounds good."

She nodded. "I'll bring it over. I drink so much coffee; you'll always find some around me."

She poured Fayth a cup from a machine on a table by the wall and brought it over, then offered it carefully, as if Fayth might spill it on herself. Fayth, for some odd reason, liked the kindness as much as she feared it.

"How was your day? Did you and your friends have fun?" Dr. Dean asked, sitting on the small glass table in front of Fayth.

What on earth is happening here? Why is she so caring all of a sudden?

"Um, I didn't really go out to do anything today. I just stayed in my dorm."

"Oh! Alright. Are your friends treating you okay? Is anyone mean to you?"

Before Fayth could answer, Dr. Dean reached over and placed a small strand of hair that fell on Fayth's eye behind her ear.

This was too much.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a bit confused here. Why are you so kind to me all of a sudden?"

She laughed nervously, fidgeting with the watch on her wrist. "Why? Did I give out the impression that I was an unpleasant person before?"

F.A.I.T.H. Part 2Where stories live. Discover now