Chapter two

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timeskip/location change

(A.N.:Me making notes because I can)

Chapter Two

July 16th1996, No. 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging

'Hello, Harry.'

Harry flinched violently.

"WHO IS THERE!?", he shouted while frantically looking around his room."Show yourself!"

'I'm in your head, Harry. I can't show myself in the way you want me to.'


'No, Harry. I'm not that fool of a man, who thinks he's oh so powerful. I am Amicus Blackthorn, an Unspeakable. You may call me Amicus.'

"Then, 'Amicus', would you mind telling me why the bloody hell your in my head?!"

'No need to shout, I can understand you perfectly fine, even if you're only thinking out loud. As for why I am in your head. Well I guess you can call it an accident, this wasn't supposed to happen to you or anybody else for that matter. You see the basin with brains inside is actually a complex memory viewing device. (A.N.:More about the device at the end of the chapter)

And your friend Ron, if I recall correctly, triggered something we call a backlash. It happens if one directly touches the memory strings. The memories and consciousness that are preserved in the brain try to force themselves onto the wizard that touched it. And as you disrupted that progress and then covered yourself completely in the remains and failed to remove them timely, you became the new vessel for that consciousness, in other words me.'

Harry blinked once, then twice. He was so confused. Everything the voice, Amicus, just told him did not make sense at all. Well it did, but not for the teen. Harry fell back on his bed.

'This is all so bloody confusing!' he thought.

'Why of course it is!' Amicus answered his thought way to enthusiastic for Harry's taste. 'And I really didn't expect you to understand it all that much. Yet.'

'What do you mean 'yet'?' Harry thought a bit alarmed. He really had no desire to learn weird unspeakable stuff, that he probable would never need to know anyway. That stupid Unspeakable should leave him alone. Maybe he can find a way to get rid of him?

'Rude! You know I can still hear your thoughts. And just so you know, the magics I decided to study are quite useful. But I'm not going to bore you with that until some other day, for now I shall give you some wizard-to-wizard-life-advice. I took the liberty to skim over your memories and now I'm going to tell you a few things about your life, that you yourself didn't know about.'

The voice ignored his other remarks completely.

Harry raised an eyebrow. 'Like what? I know my life rather well'

'I don't think so. did you know for example, that you're emancipated and with that a legal adult in the magical world? Or that you are currently the soon-to-be Lord of at least two prominent pureblood lines? Or about the soulpiece, that's stuck in your head? Or about your magic that has some blocks on it, suppressing it? How about the magic maturing that's going to happen soon?'

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