-At her house-

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Bob Pov :

The girl met today was super nice and offered to stay at her house and help me.

🍒 - So can you tell me what happened to you and your friend? *says with a concerned tone*

💙 - Sure, so I don't know when or how it happened but my friend Bosip became obsessed with me and killed my friends one by one until I and Bosip were left so I ran away and met a few people but he somehow found me and I ran away again.

🍒 - I'm sorry to hear that, Bosip sounds like a yandere in a yandere simulator if you know what I mean.

💙 - Yeah, so can I ask you a favor?

🍒 - Sure!

💙 - Can I stay here for a bit longer?

🍒 - Sure, stay as long as you like!! *says with a cheery tone*

💙 - Really? Thank you very much *said with a relieved tone*

Bob went to the living room and turned on the TV and Cherrie was in the kitchen making lunch, while Bob was watching TV, his stomach grumbled.

🍒 - Sounds to me like someone's getting hungry.

💙 - Yeah, I didn't eat for days.

🍒 - I made noodles! ~

💙 - Noodles? My favorite!

Timeskip: After they ate lunch

💙 - The noodles you made were delicious! *said cheerfully*

💙 - So, do you have an extra towel?

🍒 - Yeah, why are you asking?

💙 - I'm going to take a shower.

🍒 - Yeah, you need one.

💙 - Was that an insult?

🍒 - Nope, and do you need any clothes?

💙 - A hoodie and sweatpants would be ok and can I have a room to sleep in?

🍒 - Sure! I put your clothes in your room.

Bob went inside the bathroom and took a shower, a few minutes later he was done and put on his clothes, and went into Cherrie's room

💙 - So Cherrie, do you live alone or do you have roommates?

🍒 - I have one, they sleep next to your room, their name is Rai. I meet them at a concert. He works at the mall for a part-time job. And if you see a black-haired guy with a black hoodie and brown pants at the door, DON'T. OPEN. IT.

💙 - Rai sounds like a cool guy but can I ask why can't open the door for a black-haired guy?

🍒 - W-well, h-he's my ex...

💙 - What did your ex do to you?

🍒 - W-well, he's obsessed with me like Bosip and sometimes he would come here and if he sees a guy around, he would try to hurt you, so I isolated myself from him, and now that you're here and he told me that he would come here next week and now I don't know what to do.

💙 - He's just like Bosip but he wouldn't k1ll anyone but just hurt them.

🍒 - Yeah, but I can't tell him that you're here because he would come here immediately and hurt you physically and maybe Bosip can hear your voice and get you!

🍒 - And thankfully he knows Rai is gender-neutral.

💙 - So, I'll go to the couch to watch TV.

As Bob left Cherrie's room, he grabs a chip bag in the pantry and turns on the TV to watch cartoons. While he's watching TV, Cherrie thinks about what will happen to Bob next week.

Cherrie's Pov :

What if Bob actually gets hurt and then maybe he would fight back and they would destroy the house, I can't let this happen, if this happens, Bob would probably run away again and Bosip will find him. You're just overthinking this Cherrie, I should make lunch, maybe Bob would get hungry again.

📺 News - There's been a k1ller on the loose and police still haven't found any clues about the victims and the k1ller themself.

💙 - I bet Bosip's on the news now.

🍒 - Yeah, probably get arrested when they find out who he is.

💙 -Who knows, maybe he's gonna have like 20 years in prison.

🍒 - Maybe.

Bosip's definitely gonna get arrested and maybe Bob could see a few doctors.

Bob's Pov :

Well, now that Bosip's on the news now, maybe I should be careful when going outside for the first time in days.

🍒 - Bob, if you're thinking of going outside, it's not going to happen. *said seriously*

💙 - Why not?

🍒 - Because I want you to protect yourself and I don't you to get hurt.

💙 - Ugh, fine.

🍒 - Thank you, but now it's lunchtime!! I made sandwiches!

(Timeskip to later)

(Note - Hi! it's me, Creator. I left you guys on a cliffhanger on what's about to happen next. I'm about to go to school in a week so expect updates to be a little longer)

-A blue boy meets a nice girl- (A Bloodlust BnB story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن