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The next day..
At Ahn family house (morning)
Hyoseop POV

"Goodmorning Jihoon, have a seat.. want a cup of coffee or tea?"

"Wait.. Hyung.. sit down first.."

Hyoseop sit in front of Jihoon.

"Yes.. is there any problem Jihoon? Why are you looking so anxious?"

"A-actually H-hyung.. (breath in) lastnighteunwoohyungcalledme"

Hyoseop put his cup of coffee on the table and look straight to Jihoon eyes.

"He called me last night and.. (tears brimming in his eyes) H-hyung.. finally we will get to see Hyunwoo, Hyung."

"Please Jihoon, don't do this to me, don't just simply blabbering around with this topic, you're just dreaming.. I have begged Eunwoo for 10 years.. and the only thing he give me just curse and hatred.."

Hyoseop wipe his tears away

"NO.. Hyung listen to me.. you will regret it later if you ignore me.. Eunwoo Hyung really called me last night.. and do you remember that there are people who asked to do a field trip for primary students at our farm? Its Hyunwoo's school Hyung.. Eunwoo Hyung told me he allowed Hyunwoo to join.. H-hyung.. you're going to see him Hyung.."

Jihoon hugged Hyoseop while crying.

"Thank you God.. Thank you Eunwoo.. Thank you for this chance"

"But Hyung.. Eunwoo Hyung have put on some condition that you have to follow"

"What is it Jihoon?"

"Eunwoo Hyung forbid you to be near Hyunwoo and also you're not allowed to reveal that you're his father."

"Nevermind Jihoon.. I only asked Eunwoo for Hyunwoo's picture but see what he give us now.. Eunwoo are too kind for me.. I'm happy Jihoon.. so much happy.."

Eunwoo, thank you.. I've waited this moment for 10 years already.. Eunwoo I prayed all the happiness in this world for you.. thank you for making me the happiest man ever today.. I love you Eunwoo..

At Ahn Family Farm (afternoon)

"Hyunwook.. HYUNWOOK.."

"I'm here, sir."

"Oh there you are.. listen Hyunwook.. Jihoon must already inform you about the field trip right?..

Hyunwook nodded his head I want you to make sure all the animal cage being clean, I want you to decorate whole farm area with colorful ribbon, order a lot of delicious food for the kids...

Hyunwook just spacing out with all those instructions

"Wait, wait sir.. let me get my notebook first.. I can't process all the information now all together."

"HAHAHAHA.. sorry, I'm just excited about it.. it have to be perfect that day (smiled)"

"Any special about this one sir?.. its common for us to organise the school field trip before.. why you want to go all out for this one?"

"Of course its special Hyunwook.. finally I get to see my son.. I don't know if there was anything way more special than that"

At Ahn family house (night)
Jihoon POV

"Did you found it?"

"Yeah, there are several design.. but why you want to buy this mascot costume Hyung?"

"This chance only come once in a blue moon Jihoon.. I know Eunwoo.. he must prepare something to make sure I won't get close to Hyunwoo.. I will not let this moment slip away.. I will wear the costume on that day.. I want to at least give Hyunwoo a hug.. and if I can I will stay by his side until the trip end"

I never doubt your love towards Hyunwoo, Hyungie.. I will help you as much as I can.. Eunwoo Hyung.. if you can see how excited Hyoseop Hyung now.. Hyoseop Hyung changed a lot within the past 10 years, Eunwoo Hyung.. can we become family again Eunwoo Hyung? Please?

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