Pikachu,Ash&Zekrom![CHAPTER 28]

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[We can see Pikachu getting hit by a Blue Lightning from Zekrom to others it seem like Zekrom had used a move but Ash was feeling frightened,He knew what happened last time with Zekrom and he didn't imagine what would happen now since Pikachu is whole lot stronger than Last time,But when he checked Pikachu was not feeling pain but instead his expression relaxed.]


[Ow,That Zekrom Just hit me with his Lightning,i swear to Arceus if it nerfs me I'll blast open Hall of Origins, although after a minute I began to feel a Power like none other,it feels like i am being returned something which I didn't had for a long time,Yes it's true every battle I have fought after Zekrom zapped me,I haven't battled at 100%,It was always 80% even with Mewtwos training that number didn't change it was like something just took away 20% of my strength so right now it feels like I am slowing geting my Power back but then,I felt something even stronger,a pure electric power i never had but now was given,i then started to remember a Move....its called Fusion Bolt,i was confused what does it do because i have never seen a Pikachu use this move before.After a While the blue lightning stopped and I open my eyes to see Zekrom smirking proudly.]

ZEKROM:It is done....Chosen One...Your Partner has been returned to its former glory...

ASH:[confused]What do you mean?What did you do anyway...

ZEKROM:[smile]Well,This is just a token of apology for what I did to your Partner Chosen One,When i Zapped his strength away I took 20% of his Power with me...So in short his power was never going higher than 80% but I am impressed how much that 80% power can do....Mewtwo did some number on him...looks like it was not rumours then...Anyways i gave him his full strength back and taught him the technique Fusion Bolt....Come on Pikachu let's try your new move and 100% strength...

ASH:[panic]Woah,Woah Wait a Second!We are in a airport right now!People may come to see what caused the black clouds suddenly!Don't you think we should do this elsewhere?

ZEKROM:Hmm....That is true but I don't have much time.....however [motions Ash and Pikachu to get on him]I know a place where we can go...

[As Ash&Pikachu got on,Zekrom didn't gave them time to say Anything to Ash's Elites and took off in a Speed,So the EliteFour and Gary Oak had to tell some lie to people who witnessed the Dark Blue Clouds forming, Although they reunited with their friends and went towards The Stadium.]


[Zekrom landed in a nearby forest which is not visited often,as Ash got off with Pikachu and Zekrom went ahead and stood in front with a defensive position.]

ASH:[Grins]Alright Pikachu Let's Start with Thunderbolt!

[As Pikachu let loose his Thunderbolt,the ground he was standing on cracked and broke under the sheer power of Thunderbolt Although this Thundebolt had a Yellow and Blue Electricity color,as the move hits Zekrom,it created Shockwaves and dust and rocks started to break away and thrown back.]

[After the dust calms down,Zekrom was seen standing but he was damaged,Zekrom smirked to see that the power of the new Thunderbolt.]

PIKACHU:[jaw dropped]Holy Arceus.... Thats my New 80% Thunderbolt which can damage even the Zekrom!I Know My Best Thunder bolt could only weaken Mewtwo,But with this new one I could probably do more!Wait don't tell me....did Zekrom mixed some of his electricity with mine...to make my new Thunderbolt even more powerful...

ZEKROM:[smirks]Not bad Mouse....But Try to use Fusion Bolt!

ASH:Well if he wants us to them Let's use it!Pikachu Use Fusion Bolt Don't Hold Back!

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