Dream Sorcerer

Depuis le début

She smiled laughing. 'Hardly. He never stood a chance because you exist, Andy. Besides I'm hardly anything special. I mean, his pickup line was horrible. He asked if it hurt when i fell from heaven.'

He shakes his head. 'I beg to differ. You are the most beautiful, sexy, smart, kindest woman i have ever met. And while i may not like the fact that men hit on my girlfriend, he's not wrong. You are an angel Prim.'

Prim blushes holding his stare. 'No, I'm not. I'm a.... witch. (She didn't mean to blurt the word out....but she didn't want to lie to him. She could tell him the truth within a truth.) And that's exactly what i told him.'

He laughed. 'And what'd he say?'

'Nothing actually....but his eyes did stare at what wasn't his to stare at. And then proceeded to watch as i walked away.' She watched him as she spoke the words.

She saw his eyes the moment they darkened with pure jealousy. He leaned over and pulled her into a rough kiss. A thrill shot through her. He pulled back and looked her in the eyes. Searching for an answer to an unanswered question.

The air was thick with tension. She got up from her chair as he watched her every move. Eyes burning with desire. Her heart beat as if it would beat out of her chest. She was sure he could hear it.

He waited, seeing what she would do. She moved quick, straddling him. She kissed him, trying to convey everything she was feeling at that moment. He kissed back hard and fast. He bit her lip, asking permission. She allowed him entrance, their tongues doing a dangerous dance.

He pulled back, they were both breathless with desire. She looked at him confused. He smirked bringing his mouth to her neck, nipping at the sensitive area. She moaned, her hands grabbing at his hair. He let out a primal growl as he rose from his chair.

He carried her to the bedroom where he laid her on the bed. She had never felt this overwhelming need. They ripped at each others clothes til they laid in a pile on the floor. He suckled on one of breast as his hand kneaded the other. Nipping and pinching just enough to exert pleasure.

She reached between them wrapping her hand around his very large member. She was scared and excited at the same time. She had never had someone this large and wasn't sure if she could take him all. His hand travelled down her stomach til they reached their destination. He rubbed her bud then stuck a finger inside, stoking her fire.

He stopped, looking in her eyes, asking for permission. She nodded, needing him to fill her completely. He quickly wrapped up and dove into her intoxicating warmth. They moved together as if the world was on the brink of destruction. The inferno kept getting harder to contain as the pressure built. Finally they toppled over the edge, clinging to one another.

They laid, bodies intertwined until the embers died down. He fell beside her, wrapping his arms around her and gave her a kiss. The world around them seemed to stop. She rested her hand on his cheek kissing him again softly. She would never be able to get enough of him.

The room heated up as she felt him grow once more. They smiled at each, the ember burned in the depths of of her stomach once more. This time it was gentle, neither of them wanting to rush. They explored every inch of each others bodies, learning what made the other moan. They finally fell asleep, Prim curled into Andy, his arms wrapped around her protectively, holding her closer than she thought possible.

Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar Finally SavedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant