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       Today, she felt red.

        Today, she was tired. No matter how much she tried to speak, how much she begged, she could never get any say. Ignorant words poured onto her, neverending.

        Today, she knew that rationalism was out of the question. The words did not attack because of any desire to help, or to criticize, they attacked because they were angry. That was their only excuse.

        Today, it was worse. It has not been tended to, and as such, spiraled out of control. Everyone turned a blind eye, told themselves it would settle itself down, as long as they didn't look at it. 

        Today, she couldn't handle it.

        She fought back at the words with twice the fury they had. Fighting fire with fire, she had overridden what was eating her. She thrashed, she yelled, and she screamed.

        What was left, was a scorched, barren plateu, scarred with the marks of a battle that had only lasted a minute.

        Today, she felt red.

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