He hesitated as he clocked on Kaycees name. Sean couldn't just post something like this to his YouTube channel and not have her approve it. Then again he hadn't spoken word to her since the incident.

He hit send and waited approximately ten minutes before he got a response

Rice bowl🤍: looks so good. Proud of you

Sean Lewser: Couldn't have done without you tho

He supposed that they were ignoring the kiss in the video.

Rice Bowl🤍: You can post it

Sean Lewser: All of it? Or should I edit

Rice Bowl🤍: ....Up to you

He ultimately decided to upload it as it is no edits. The kiss would probably earn them more views anyway. He was right. By the end of the day they already had 900k likes and over a million views.

Then came the dreaded moment. After every successful dance the Lew family gathered around their TV and watch on YouTube the moment it was uploaded. His parents and brother enjoyed hearing him critic little things they hadn't noticed and things behind the scenes that had been difficult to learn. Usually he looked forward to this event but not today.

As the evening drew closer and closer he was forced to come up with a plan. He was watch the whole thing and do as they wanted nit picking the routine and exposing his storyline and creative process. However he would make sure he was the one with remote and the moment the dance finished he would flick of the TV and nobody would know. Because if they knew they would be exited and ask questions. Questions he didn't even know the answer too.

Six o'clock rolled around and he dragged himself downstairs and over ti the couch. To his horror his mother already had the remote in hand and the video hooked up and waiting. If he had been smart he would have come downstairs early to make sure his plan ran smoothly.

He sat beside his mother so that he could possibly reach over and take it from her at some point if he got lucky. Everyone settled in and excitedly talked about how proud they were.

" Honestly Sean, don't get me wrong" his mom began " you dancing is wonderful but you and Kaycee dancing is magic." She said.

" Yeah this one was a lot of fun to put together" was all he could manage.

The video began and he made a few comments to make his family happy. Half way through he reached for the remote.

" Let me turn it up" he said but his mother just unknowingly turned it up for him. He knew he could very well just take it with no explanation, but they would get sceptical when he paused it so quickly. So instead of planning a way out he begins planning what his response will be.

" Wow the lighting is sick" his brother comments. The end is near and Sean would rather be anywhere else.

The audience applauds and he watches himself in what feels like slow motion as he approaches Kaycee and for some reason they kiss. His heart drops and he waits for the reaction.

The first to comment was his mother who gasped the moment it happened. In fact everyone made some sort of noise of shock.

" Guys- I" He began but was cut off by his father.

" Finally! What the hell took so long!" He cheered smiling widely.

" No dad it's not like that" he began

" Wow Seany I never thought you'd actually have the balls to do it" said his brother nodding approvingly.

" Everyone hold on" Sean tried again but nobody was listening

Sean & Kaycee ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now