🌸Chapter one🌸

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Chapter one
A hero is born: The beginning

"Humans are to be protected and saved."

3rd person pov;

"Good morning [Name]!" A young Demon open their eye to see their little brother looking at them with a bright grin, they hum raising their hand to pat the boy head.

"Come on! We're gonna be late, Pigsy will be mad." The young man stated, "Hm!" The Demon sat up from their bed, they patted their younger brother head before preparing themselves.


[Name] rest their head on the table as they mindlessly listen to Mr, Tang telling the tales of The Monkey King. They already knew about it, they remember everything clearly despite being asleep for over a century.

[Name] remember how hard Tang fanboy when he saw them for the first time. They smile behind their muzzle as the memories replay their mind.

They snap out of their little daydream when a spoon came flying barely missing them, the spoon hit the bowl of noodles that MK was holding sending it up to the air.

The bowl came flying but Pigsy catch it without a single drop, "Free noodles?! No one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang!" Pigsy scream.

"Ah, but Pigsy. I was paying with wisdom." Mr, Tang stated, "Yeah? Well, wisdom don't pay the rent, you freeloader! And you!" He points at MK, "You have been slacking off all morning! I've got a dozen orders that need to go out, [Name] already finished theirs and the few left is yours! so quit slacking and get packing!"

"Well. I was about to take my break. So..." MK try to explain but, Pigsy cut him off.

"Break? Break?! There's no break in war! I need workers. Soldiers in the army of Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest noodles. How else am I gonna expand my business into enemy territory?" Pigsy exclaimed, "You mean the restaurant across the street?" MK mention looking at the restaurant.

"I stand by my statement! Now, hurry up!" Pigsy stated giving MK a noodle and kicking him out. [Name] giggle, at the corner of their eye they saw Mr, Tang eating the noodles, Pigsy also saw this and glared at him raising his famous spoon.

Soon the two broke into a fight, [Name] trying to stop Pigsy from beating Mr, Tang.


[Name] was in their child form sleeping at Mr, Tang lap when they woke up at Pigsy complaining that a costumer left a zero star.

Then, MK suddenly came barging in, he started blabbering about Monkey King staff getting pull out, The Demon Bull King getting set free by his family.

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