'They jumping her.' He concluded. 'There's no way the Grimm could be reason or control without a higher power. Seem like the two wanted her gone. Must be very special.' Thus, began his careful, rapid descent to assist the young woman. Only for something extraordinary to occur.

A harsh, bright light burst out from the woman. Toji
who had made it to the bottom of the cliff, was forced to avert his gaze. Yet even then, the brilliant light seared into his eyes, burning them. Still, for a man who was forced under the Moon's yoke for nigh-on-eternity, a little bright light was nothing to write home about.

What was interesting was what he saw when the light died down. He was used to unnatural things when it comes to the jujutsu world, but he was dumbstruck to see that every single wolf was turned to stone.

He returned his gaze to the woman, who was hunched over, only for the lanky man's jeering hoots to claim his attention once more. He was clapping and hopping in place, dramatically gesturing at the woman, his stoic companion staring on passively.

But then, in a burst of speed reserved for only the most powerful Beasts, the hulking man leapt forward towards the woman. She tried to dodge, but was too slow, and the brute landed a solid punch against the woman's skull. She fell backwards, and he struck her once more, sending her sliding into the ground, face first.

Before the second attack came to her, Toji sprinted forward before the second strike connected, switching his firearm to fire off a whole bullet, as opposed to his preferred buckshot, for the extra range. He fired off two rounds into the brute's body, lifting his blade high overhead to strike against his head.

Only to come to a screeching halt as, though his bullets impacted the brute, they did not draw blood. Toji frowned at the bullet didn't gave the same result.

'Should be dead by now, but that damn aura.' Toji thought. To be certain, he stumbled a bit from the hits, turning around and staring at Toji with equal parts anger and disbelief, but no blood.

The brute snarled wordlessly, turning to fully face the sorcerer killer. Toji regained his bearings, hopping backwards and aiming his firearm forward. The brute stomped forward, "Wh—"

Toji took another shot.


Toji shot him in the jaw, point blank. Once again the bullet bounced off him. Not even a scratch. The brute's head did snap back, but he brought it back down, glare deepening. "W—"


Another bullet cut him off, and other bullet ricocheted off him. Toji didn't even give the brute another chance to speak, shooting three more bullets—one more in the jaw, two in the chest. But to no change.

Still, he was affected by the projectiles, given the way stumbled back, nursing his jaw and chest with a murderous glare. Toji just gave a annoyed glance at the soon to be dead man.

"I believe," the lanky man said, suddenly appearing from over the brute's shoulder. "that you're—"


"Tsk," grumbled Toji. "That fucking aura is tough on you."

The lanky man stumbled back into the brute's back. Now he fixed Toji a dark look.

"...Take five," he sneered to the brute. The brute sneered back, but acquiesced, stepping aside—and towards the downed woman. But before Toji could make a move, the lanky man clicked his tongue, spewing out a scorpion's tail, dripping with poison.

'Scorpion faunus.' Toji analyzed. The worm curse spread around his body to be prepare for the battle.

The lanky man looked over his shoulder, only to pause, smiling thinly at Toji. Toji, having come to the conclusion that shooting the men would do nothing, and not wanting to make the first move, stayed still.

The lanky man bowed grandly, returning his attention to the brute. "Not so fast, Hazel. I didn't try anything when you were having your fun."

"We have a mission to accomplish," the now-named Hazel growled, staring at the downed woman.

"She'll still be there when I'm done!" Indeed, the woman didn't appear to be in the state to be moving—Toji wasn't even sure if she was still alive.

Hazel growled, but moved away, nonetheless.

The lanky man's tail retracted, hanging over his head. He flicked his wrists, and from his bracers, two pairs of blades extended out, completing his scorpion motif. "I don't know who you are," he said, face twisting into a deranged facsimile of a smile, "but I hope you pack as much of a punch as that gun of yours!"

Toji didn't say anything, but switching the gun for a bigger one.

The scorpion-man crouched down low, licking his lips and sliding his blades against each other, creating sparks. Then, he burst forward, arms and tail drawn back, poised to strike. Toji raised his firearm to retaliate, but his foe was agile, ducking out of aim. Before he could attempt to readjust, Toji had to hop to the side to avoid a steel blade and poison-tipped tail. The lanky man growled lowly, lifting his free hand and pointing his closed fist at Toji, giving him a clear view of the two cylinders at the end of his bracers. More like long barrels, really.

Toji's eyes widened with the double barrel guns that was on his wrist. He dive to the side by pair of loud BANGS sounded from the bracer, two bullets zooming out of the barrels attached to the man's bracers.

Toji was on his feet shooting his own weapon at his opponent. The man laughed, flipping in the air to avoid the spread shot. A bad move, since it left the man open to another blast from Toji's gun. He actually spun in the air from the impact of the pellets, crashing to the ground, and laughing all the way. Even as Toji sprinted towards him, the cursed blade was raised up.

The man lifted himself up just enough for his tail to shoot forward, the tip of it glistening in the moonlight. And still he laughed, even as Toji holstered his firearm and shot his arm out to grab the extra appendage.

He only shut up when the exiled Zen'in embedded his blade in his chest.

Something curious happened then. There was a sound akin to shattering glass, and black energy crackled along the man's body. He gurgled, blood spewing from his mouth as his eyes widened in disbelief. His tail—still in Toji's grasp-twitched erratically. The Sorcerer Killer merely grunted, pressing his right foot on the soon-to-be corpse, and wrenching both hands back with all his might. The tail came off with an audible SNAP, and the blade wrenched free with a wet GLURCH, spraying blood upward and drenching Toji in most of his blood.

Toji let out a deep sigh as he wipe the corpse's blood off his face. He was used to the idea of having to take another life. But when it comes to a another person's life, the adrenaline was rising and rising to become the victor of his battles. Either if a job or for fun.

He heard a ragged gasp to his right, turning to see Hazel staring slack-jawed at him, fear clear in his eyes. "W-What the hell...?"

Toji stared at him before pointing the cursed blade at Hazel. His expression was dark with fixed eyes as he wanted to kill him as well.

"So, we doing this or what?" Toji asked.

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