Tova smiles at Peter, who is already smiling at her, his face kind. "It is nice to meet you, your parents are of wonderful —"

"Oh no," Anne waves off, almost trying to pull Tova closer to her son. "No talking of me, my dear. Hilda here lost her husband was killed, we gladly helped a widow and her unborn babe," She wasn't joking there, they hadn't had to host her since but they'd been more than happy to.

Tova was grateful, but guilty for lying to them about who she was.

Peter's face seemed to drop at that information, "I'm deeply sorry about your loss," He was quiet, his voice rather gentle, but deep at the same time.

It reminded her of Sihtric. But Sihtric's accent was much different, Peter sounded so Christian, so. . . unlike her. She had tried to change her voice as much as she could, not to much success, but with the fake story of a Dane Father who had changed his ways for his wife, the couple had understood and accepted it.

God accepts all, they had told her.

Shame she didn't believe in their God, hoping her own were helping her. Praying they stayed, even if they wouldn't aid.

"Thank you," She gives back more quietly than intended, which they seem to take notice before she does.   Quickly clearing her face of her sadness, Tova squeezes Anne's, "As I said, your Mother is wonderful. As is your Father. I assume, by them, you are just as great." 

His cheeks grew red but eyes shined brightly with pride, adoring the compliments on his parents.  He was a handsome man, this couldn't be denied, but even looking at him felt like she was dishonouring her Sihtric, the Father of the child she was carrying — a bastard child.

She didn't mean anything more by her words, but when he looked at her again, her stomach rolled inward emotionally at the way he did.   Not in a lustful or harmful way, but more that she was available, no husband, but a bare babe and his Mother left behind, a beautiful woman.

"Peter will be staying with us for a few nights, dear," Anne went to say something to her child, before suddenly asking Tova, "Or he could stay —" Peter's eyes widened in offence at her moving suggestion.

Tova almost laughed, shaking her head, "It is alright," I can protect myself if I have too, "I would love to meet more of your generous family, Anne."

The woman beamed with happiness, having never had a daughter around before, a hand cupping Tova's cheek before announcing she must show her son what his chores would be during his stay.  It is not for free! You must work, work, work! The elderly woman was saying to her grown son.

Left behind by the duo, Tova swept some of her hair behind her ear that swept against her cheek, lingering her stare on the family members before finishing up with Fawna. Her hand carried the bump underneath again, making sure she was alone as she walked back up the dirt path with the now empty bucket.

Nearly the home, a heavy breath leaves her lips as she pushes on, an ache to her stomach. It only took a few moments before that growing ache shot to a burning pain, causing her to drop the bucket as she gasped, holding her stomach with a small curl forward.

She had been told by Anne how the start of labour would be, as her Mother had never had the chance to talk about it — given Tova was the youngest, she hadn't witnessed her Mother go through it. Sharp pains stretching across her stomach was the sign that her babe may be coming into the world, and Tova had to suck in a breath as she forced herself to walk closer toward the home.

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