[11] I'll Be There For You

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Soobin walked inside of the house, needing to talk to Kai.

"Kai! Come here now!"

Kai came out of the bedroom.

"Hyung I-"

"No, let me talk."

Soobin walked up to him.

Taehyun and Chin-Hae walked inside.

"Taehyun told me everything."

Kai looked at Taehyun.

"Kai, your life is very important. Not only to me, to them, but to many, many people around the world."

Kai looked down.

"I know you're scared. Trust me, I would be too. But you have a chance to fight this and give yourself a long and happy life."

"I just don't want to waste time if I won't actually get better."

"And I understand that, but you will never know if you don't try. If you don't seek help, it won't come to you. You won't know if you don't at least give it a chance."

Kai sighed.

"Kai, I am begging you. I will even get down on my knees and beg you to go to the doctor if that's what you want."


"Please. I need you in my life. I need you to be the face I wake up for every morning. I need you to be the laughter I hear everytime someone makes a bad joke. I need you to be the sunshine on a cloudy day, the flower growing in an empty grass field..."

Kai looked at Soobin.

"I need you to be my love. So please...from the bottom of my heart I am asking you...don't let yourself go. Stay with me, with TXT. Please?"

Kai smiled.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke.



"I'll schedule an appointment with my doctor."

Everyone else cheered in happiness. Taehyun and Chin-Hae high-fived one another.

"This calls for a double celebration!", Chin-Hae said, "We can celebrate Beomgyu coming home tomorrow, and Kai finally deciding to get healthy again!"

An Angel In My Eyes [TXT Sookai]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum