Inside, he caught his breath, heart pounding in his chest.

'Alright, this was unexpected.' Michael Thought 'I should  let Robert handle with planning next time, meh whatever' 

Thump! Thump!

"Ah shit.... i should loot this place, and find other ways out of this place." Michael grumble.

Michael walked through the building, first entering the kitchen and then approaching the counter. He eyed the knife. "This could be useful," he thought. Spotting a stair and he walk up to the second floor, Michael heard the noise from one room "Bzzzzzz"  he slowly walk to the door, slowly open the door then he knew what is the source of the noise that he heard

The tv was on thankfully the noise it made it didn't that loud to attract infected that were outside of the build however so it loud enouge to attract one infected that still in the room.

'Guess that was previous owner of this building, sadly, he didn't made it , well atleast he still useful for me.' Michael sneak behind the infected , before stab the knife he found into it skull. Michael look around the room and saw one of government poster ' Ah, that stupid government advice poster. Can't say it's useless though. Most of the advice was actually quite useful, ' he thought  before shifting his focus to a nearby locker.

"So, let see what do you got Mister." Michael opened the locker and found a shovel, canned fish, and a water bottle. ' No gun? Lame. Well, at least I have a shovel to swing at infected heads,' His stomach growled. 'Agh i'm hungry right now, let dig in and go'

Michael opened the canned fish, grabbed the fork that came with it, and dug into the fish before he swallow the water form the bottle down.

"I'm should go now, before it broke in" Michael mumbling, before he put the bottle in the backpack. Before he walk to the window near him " This should help." Michael said before open the window 

'Shit, it's only second floor, why it look like i'm on top of the goddamm empire state tower!? ' before carefully climb down from the building. 'Yeah, i'm gonna felt like that way, how am i forget that i was scare of height' Michael thought

Michael landed on the gound before carefully look around him "I'm safe now, heh and i though those zombie was smarter than the on in the movie" Michael murmured ' Now which way was the safe house was? uhhh oh yeah west ' michael though before grab the compass

He walked past the dead bodies until he had to stop after spotting a small group of infected roaming around the road. 'God, they're roaming everywhere like Robert said. I should listen to him,' Michael thought, starting to count the zombies on the road. 'Six of them. This is very bad. Ugh, goddamn it.'

"Hey, no-brain fuckers, I'm here! Come get me," Michael mocked the infected. The infected started walking slowly. Michael charged his shovel and swing it into the nearest infected's head and it died instantly.


"Sheesh, this is more than a garden tool," Michael said, surprised with a nervous smile on his face, before charging with his shovel again and hitting another infected and then the third.

'Only three left,' Michael thought. 

Michael shoved another infected before he hit the shovel to the forth infected head, before he change target to the fifth infected shove it down before Michael hold it on the ground with his foot and swing his shovel hit though sixth infected head

"Alright, now back to you, fucker," Michael said before shoving his shovel into the infected's skull that he held on the ground. "Whoa, you're more than just a garden tool. No wonder why the previous owner kept you," Michael said, impressed, while inspecting the shovel in his hands. 

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