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"MY TASKS THIS SEASON CANNOT BE EXCEPTIONALLY DIFFICULT" Anthony said with an easy expression as the carriage took his family to the debutants event where Eloise woukd make her grand debut. "Hastings did it after all. How hard can it be?"

"Ah, spoke with such feeling too." Benedict Bridgerton mocked pouting his lips and making puppy eyes. Gregory chuckled by his side.

"I do not need a feeling." Anthony said determined. "What I need is what I have, and that is a list." He stated serious. "Tolerable, dutiful, suitable enough hips for childbearing and at least half a brain." He explained the items. "And the last part is not so much of a requirement but a preference, in fact."

Benedict nodded in silence as gregory made a face.

"Do not look at me that way." Anthony told his brother.

"What way?" Benedict frowned.

"That way when you are disagreeing with me."

"But I did not even say something!" Benedict replied and Gregory laughed.

"You do not need to, brother." Anthony said wuth a grumpy tone as he stared at the window. "Besides, you can not judge me, you have no conditions to do so." He furrowed his eyebrows. "You are free to do whatever you want while I follow my duty and look for a wife."

"Wow, you just had to say that, didn't you?" Benedict scoffed a bit bothered. "I am just thinking that maybe...maybe you are being too mechanical about it all. It is a woman, not a contract, brother."

"No, Benedict, they are very much the same to me." He says clearly. "And I think yiu are being too emotional. I look for a viscountess, not for love."

"Why not both?"

"I won't fall in love." He reassures him fiercely. Anthony looks outside the wi dow as the carriage stops. "We have arrived, come on, I need your help with Eloise."


"The Lady Abigail Evans." The servant began to announce the young debutants as they presented themselves to the queen, who couldn't appear more bored. "Miss Mary Ann Hallewell." He called one after another, but none of them striked ant attention."Miss Margaret Goring."

Across the aisle, at a secluded room, all the debutants wauted for their turn in their immaculate white dresses and long feathers. But none of them seemed as nervous as the young Eloise Bridgerton, who almost apssed out as she noticed her time was approaching soon.

"It is not too late." Eloise tells her mother."You could say I collapsed. That I got something unmentionable on my gown." Violet chuckled at her daughters' worries. "or that all the feathers affected my senses. Anything, Mama, to get me out of doing this."

"My darling girl." Violet said softly as she gave a half smile to her daughter and borganized some fall hair strands on her. "No matter what, you will always be a diamond to me."

Eloise seems like she is about to run away from that even at any minute, but then she glances at one of the ladies in the room, who seemed in an even worse situation than her. A black young lady, she looked stunning, dazzling even, but her face twitched in pain at any step she took, she tried to take deep torturing breaths, but nothing seemed to brush off the pain.

"Excuse me." The lady approached them. "Could you please help me." She turned to show a button of her dress she couldn't reach that was open.

Violet Bridgerton smiled kindly "Of Course." She responded softly and buttoned her dressed. "There you go."

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