Here there are two baby birds 🐦🐦 and one mother bird 🕊️

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Once there lived two baby birds and one mother bird. They lived in a tall , shady tree . One there was a big strong Strom in the village one heavy 🪨 branch came and hit the mother bird and she died. A strong wind blew and the two baby birds got separated by each other each one find a different place. The first bird find a cave where a gang of robbers lived. The second bird find a ashram where a Rishi lived. Once in a morning the king of the village came to hunt a deer 🦌.The deer ran speedily so that she can get rid from him . Now what happened, the king forgot his way . He was tired so he rested near a cave where the first bird lived . The bird imitated the robbers like come and take his jewels and his hore otherwise, he will slip away . After listening this the king ran with his horse . After sometime time he saw a ashram where the second bird lived. The second bird welcomed the king to the ashram and told please sir make yourself comfortable. After sometimes the Rishi came to the ashram then the king told everything that happened with him. Then the Rishi told that one of the company knows one keeps .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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