chapter 1 We escape

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On the night of 2006,we planned it,the escape.

We plan to escape to the north side of mandovil but we had to be very careful to not get caught or let them suspect anything.

My friends and I scouted the area before hand so we knew the area was clear but what we didn't know was how long it would be clear for.

We headed down the narrow hallway and went through the back door of the kitchen and down the dirt path.

Now all we needed to deal was to get over the brick wall.

When suddenly I heated foot steps that was coming our way but before I could warn the others, a flash of light struck us it was a flashlight.

Many kids ran,many kids tried to jump over the wall but fail miserable, some even was too stunned to move but I took up the heaviest stone I saw on the ground and threw it directly at Mrs alever's head causing it to bleed badly giving us more time to escape.

I did this because I knew she was the strongest person here.

I grabbed onto a small crack in the wall it was just enough to help me pull myself up the wall.

I grab onto the edge of the wall and was just about to pull myself over the wall.

I looked over to see many of the other kids doing the same.

As I grab onto the edge of the wall, I could smell a rather nice fragrance.

As I was about to pull my other leg over the wall I felt yet something on it.

I looked back at my leg to find out what it was but to my Horror.

I saw Mrs alever the same person I had hit with the stone.

I tried to get loose of her grip but she was too strong for a her kid like me to handle.

I used my other foot to kick her in her face as I jumped over the wall.

Finally after so many years I'm free.

To be continued ; )

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