RebelMare vs Emma & Nikki.C

Start from the beginning

You: Can we torture them a bit?

Rhea: You know we can

*Emma walks down to the ring, keeping heer glasses on as she stops in front of the ring just as Nikki's theme starts playing*

"Pay attention, Pay attention, B!tch!"

*The totally unhinged-crazy twisted sister runs out at full-speed, passing Emma and slides into the running into the ropes*

"And her tag team partner. From Glasgow, Scotland, Nikki Cross!"

*Being a bit scared of Cross, you to move to closer to Rhea, feeling her arm go around your shoulders, watching Nikki rapidly swings and throw her jacket against the ring before throwing it out of the ring, Emma going onto the apron, Rhea trying to get you to start the match*

You: Crazy bitch tried to kill me in our last match together, Rhea! You start

*You step onto the apron, letting Rhea start off the match with her ex-tag partner. Rhea still stands as Nikki ran into her, Nikki going down with a simple "Shoulder-thrust" Rhea grabs Nikki by the hair, pulling her up to her feet, throwing her across the ring hard. Rhea goes over to you, making the tag*

Rhea: Destroy her, Maddy!

*You look at Rhea, getting in the ring with Nikki sitting in a corner, you back away. Running you hit her with a "" Nikki still leaning against the turnbuckle, you then hit her with a "" knocking her down and go for the pin*



*Emma gets in, breaking things up, Rhea gets in trying to help, but Emma hits her with a "Drop-kick" getting Ripley out the ring, then hits you with a "Forearm" buying some time as she drags Nikki backs to their corner, making a self-tag. You take Emma off guard with a quick "Clothesline" then a "Senton" going for the pin with a quick kick-out*

After Commercial Break

*Getting hit with "Widow's Peak" you grab your neck in pain, feeling Emma turn you over and cover you, but you getting your shoulder up after one. still holding the beck of your neck. You stand up, grabbing Emma by her wrist and hit her with an "" then make the tag to Rhea, rolling out the ring onto the floor, taking the time to recover. The crowd starts booing, looking up you see Dominik walking out, around the ring and kneeling down in front of you*

Dominik: Does it hurt?

You: Not as much as it did a few seconds ago

Dominik: Here

*You look down in Dom's hand to see a wrapped ice-pack, him putting it on the back of your neck, with his hand right there, so it doesn't fall. He quickly looks up to she Rhea getting double-teamed by Nikki and Emma, Nikki now being the legal one in the match against Rhea, then back down to you*

Dominik: You good?

You: Yep. Thanks

Dominik: No problem

*You stand back up, getting on the apron just in time to see the double "drop-kick" to both Nikki and Rhea. You holding out your hand for that hot-tag from Ripley. You yell out for her to get up, her slowly starting to crawl over to you*

Dominik: Come on, Rhea!

You: You got this!

*Rhea gets closer, jumping up and slapping her hand against your. You jump into the ring as Rhea rolls out, huryying and grabbing Cross by your leg, stopping her from making the tag and stomp your foot on her back. You look up and see Emma still standing, running up, you hit her with a "big boot" you turn your attention back on the twisted-sister in the ring*

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