Cosette - Paris

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"Did you really have to tell both of them Pans?" Draco groaned out

"Hey... you're the one that said it, not me"

"It was just a TEASE, Pans"

"Whatever" Pansy smirked

"DADDY! DADDY! LOOKIE!!!" Hermie came out holding the kneazle... decorated in pink, purple, yellow, and light green bows and hair ties

"O-Oh, um" Draco was shocked "th-that's um... very nice Herms. Where did... where did you get all of those bows?"

"in da baby's room!" Hermie answered, before dropping the cat-like creature (who ran away the moment his feet touched the floor), and rushing to Pansy's big swollen belly, complete awe in the little's eyes

"So you're having a girl?" Draco asked

"Please... Phillipe Weasley is Not a girl, nor will he be dressed as one" Pansy stated as she kept her eyes on the little hands exploring over her belly "Besides, I don't even wear bows myself. In other words, they're not mine..." she side-eyed to the other two men in the room, which didn't go unnoticed by Draco

"Blaze... Theo- oh Merlin, PLEASE Don't tell me if this has to do with some sort of bedroom fetish... the last thing I want to think about is one of you dressed like a schoolgirl and getting disciplined by your teacher"

The two men blushed "THAT'S NOT IT AT ALL!!!" Theo stated loudly

"I think I just puked in my mouth a little" Blaze added

Pansy rolled her eyes... again "Just tell him already. He's gonna find out sooner or later anyway"

Draco looked confused as the two men looked at each other, and, seeming to agree, Blaze summoned a folder into his hand, before handing it to Draco. Curious, he flipped it open to find-

"Her name is Cosette." Theo began with pride "She's seventeen months old, and... was actually abandoned. Apparently, her mother was pretty young when she had her, and her father... well... we don't know... anyway, Blaze and I had decided we wanted to adopt, so we got in contact with a wizarding adoption agency... who knew that even existed here?... anyway, we hadn't been looking long, before we came across Cosette's case, and..."

"We fell head over heels in love with her" Blaze continued with awe "We actually got to meet her here about a month ago..."

"She is the sweetest and most happy little thing you will ever meet" Theo cooed

"The papers are all signed. All we're waiting for is the final inspection, and then... she'll be our little girl"

Draco looked at the cute little girl in the picture... curly black hair... bright blue eyes... and a smile that could light up a room "is she a witch?"

"Her mother is, so the chances are high that she will be too" Theo shrugged with a ear to ear grin

"Then is she a halfblood?" Draco asked

Blaze's smile fell "Why does that matter?"

"It doesn't just..." Draco paused, trying to find the right words "I can't understand why anyone would actually give up a child like this so easily"

Blaze sighed

"As far as we know, she's a pureblood" Theo answered cautiously "The mother may not have admitted who the father is, but she DID admit that she met him at her school"

"Then was the mother a younger sister?"

"No... she was the only child in her family"

"Then why would she give up her own heir?" Draco asked, feeling completely heartbroken for the little girl

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