Chapter 24: Body Switch!

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Author's Note:

Characters might be out of character sometimes.

This chapter includes swearing, and might have grammatical errors.

«...» - wind elements
<...> - gods
"Italic"/ Italic - flash back/record/dream

Thank you and happy reading ❤️

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[ Satan's Room ]

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in."

Cale opened the door and came in. He looked around. Books were everywhere. In his shelf, in this bed, and on the floor. His gaze turned to Satan, who's examining him.

"...Ah, Cale. It's you."


"Were you expecting someone else?"

Satan slightly flinched and avoided Cale's gaze. He continues to pack his things as if nothing happened.

A child. That's what Cale thinks of Satan's behavior.

"Did someone tell you to come here and stop me? Because if so, you're wasting your time."

Cale's expression remained stoic as he listened to Satan.

"Although, none of those guys would send you here to stop me. They all think it's funny."

"You're right. None of them told me to stop you."

Satan was caught off guard and stared at Cale with a mixture of confused and surprised.

"And I'm not here to stop you, so you can just continue what you're doing there."


Satan let out a gasped-like laugh. Unlike his brothers who are looking at him with pity, Cale was just looking at him with a calm gaze. No sight of pity or worry in his eyes as if what his doing is normal.

Cale glanced at the books piling up on the floor and took one of them. He began to flip the pages.

Satan observed Cale's action.

"So, you interested in books?"

Cale closed the book and looked at Satan with a stoic expression on his face.


Cale nonchalantly answered Satan's question before putting the book where it belongs to.

"Huh...I guess you're not so bad after all."

Cale just nodded and averted his gaze to another piles of books.

"Hey, watch your step. A lot of my precious books and documents are over there."

Cale stopped and carefully looked around if he stepped on any of Satan's books or documents.

Satan had always been fascinated with books because it serves as a gateway to knowledge and understanding. That's why he started collecting books and documents in order to explore various realms of intellect.

'Every one of the books in this room were Satan's collection.'

"That shelf over there is full of books having to do with magic. And these are all ancient manuscripts. Here we have astronomy and physics."

Cale was silently listening to Satan's words. He could see how happy Satan was sharing his sentiments.

"And that right careful with that. Actually, don't touch that."

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