name: Arya Marie Messi

where from: Argentia

parents: Lionel Andres Messi Cuccitini, Antonella Rocuzzo (I decided to give thiago a  younger sister) 

parents: Lionel Andres Messi Cuccitini, Antonella Rocuzzo (I decided to give thiago a  younger sister) 

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name: Manuel

where from : Venezuela

Parents: Maria Gomez, Unknow father

Parents: Maria Gomez, Unknow father

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Name: Ayden smith

where from: Canda

Parents: John Smith, Mary davis

Parents: John Smith, Mary davis

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Name: Lily Gracia

where from: Born in Canda parents from philippines

Parents: Nathan dela cruz, Gabriel Gracia

we have 7 new people we were supposed to have 11 but they live in different parts so the will fly out here in a couple of days

a couple of days later

we have the whole Mad devils crew now so its official and today was your first day being back on mad devils so you get ready to do a youtube video for mad devils so we started the vlog HEY GUYS everyobody says in usion uggh that felt god says mateo I know right replied taylor yeah it felt so freaking good says thiago honestly I felt nothing said Jr Emotion less creature replied ciro ok anyways lets get started you say so today we are goanna to become a family for 24 HOURS we kinda of already are a family though says makka yeah replies Aziel but now were goanna act like it okay so yeah lets spin the wheel to see what we land on Aziel goes first and he got the dad then taylor went and got the mom and then Arya went and got the baby then everyone else got the kids ok guys so before we start this vlog we have to make a long cringy intro okay were done with that so now lets start 


that was sooo long taylor moans IKR replies Aziel well we still haven't thought of a name for our influncer house yet says Y/n wdym by that asks Arya its like a house where a bunch of influncers live like the hype house where charli d meal lives says mateo ohh okay but I don't live here I'm 12 says Arya yeah but mom said ThIaGo I kNoW aRyA iS nOt YoUr OnLy SiBliNg BuT sHe Is My OnLy ChIld~~~~ THATS FAVOURITISM YELLS MATEO younngest child is always the favourite says Y/n, Y/n can we talk in private says Thiago umm sure replies Y/n *you take him to another room*what do you want says Y/n ok hear me out I had my reasons and I wanna be friends with you again No! you reply No Thiago YOU EGGED MY DAD'S FUNERAL, CHEATED ON ME, MADE RUMORS ABOUT ME,  ABUSED ME,SENT DEATH THREATS AFTER THE BREAK UP, MADE ME LOSE ALL MY SELF WORTH, ALMOST MADE ME KILL MYSELF AND WHOLE REASON YOU ASKED ME TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS FOR THE THIAGO X Y/N SHIPERS AND CAUSE YOU KILLED MY CAT! NO THIAGO I WON'T BE YOUR FRIEND WE ARE NOT ENIMIES NOR FRIENDS JUST STRANGERS WITH MEMORIES!


What are they sayinggg says Mateo shush I can barely hear says makka guys what happened between Y/n and Thiago I know thiago cheated on her but you guys said something happened between them when they were teens? asks Arya its a long story  to summarize it what happened was Y/n and Thiago were in a relationship for 6 years but it was a toxic releationship and one day Y/n caught your brother cheating on her with me so then we started doing bad things to her so she one day got fed up with it and blocked me and your brother and and took a break from social medias and then after a year she had done amazing things she written the number one childrens book diary of a wimpy teen cat man,and parry hotter  so she came back and we never kept in touch after any of that we were young dumb says Meghan ohhh okay replies Arya


everyone was asleep but taylor wasn't she was thinking of Aziel Y/n comes in Taylors room through the window Y/n what are you doing your room is next to mine you could have just walked over ehh where's the fun in that anyways I saw the way you were looking at Aziel come on tell meee says Y/b no I only like him as a friend replies Taylor Umm yeah and you were denfintly not just looking at his instagram account where he doesn't have a shirt on says Y/n okay fine I have a major crush on him says Taylor he probably doesn't even like me back anyway


DUDE I SWEAR TAYLOR IS LIKE THE HOTTEST GIRL IN OUR GROUP says Aziel to Ayden and Manuel wait really says taylor, Taylor and Aziel's rooms were close you eachother umm yeah I know I haven't even known you for a month but from what i see you're the I don't even know how to describe it any man would be lucky to have you as there girlfriend says Aziel thanks so does this mean were a thing now umm yeah i guess asks taylor Yeah replies Aziel is it just me or did this just get akward says Y/n yeah there's always a moment of silence during these type of things

A/n note: thank you all for reading my story and making it the 41st rank in goodstory out of 3.2k stories and 6th story for ronaldo jr out of 10 stories and 7th story for cristianoronaldojr out 20 stories I cannot thank you guys enough and heads up //endless\\ is goana end soon I'm thinking maybe like 4 or 5 chapters and the reason I haven't been posting was because of exmas and projects infinte thank yous to the people that have voted and commented on this story special shoutout to this user thank you so much Manha and also follow my acc for more stories about cr jr i'm saying all this so I dont have to in the last chapter I will copy and paste it on there ilysm my dear readers thank you word count :1197

// Endless\\Ronaldo Jr x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now