Manufactured Love

Start from the beginning

" Okay" he said noting that she was accepting the idea.

He thought her the rest of the dance and forty five minutes later they had nailed it.

" I'm going to grab my water" she said heading to her car where she had left her stuff. She noticed that the parking lot was now full and a mixture of girls and boys a few years younger than them filed into the studio.

She sipped her drink quickly and headed back inside to find Sean already talking. He was describing the choreo when he met her gaze.

" And I was choreographed this alone the other night and I absolutely hated it. I only realized what the problem was this morning actually. It needed to be a duet." He said pausing for dramatic effect.

She watched as a few girls turned and began whispering amongst themselves. She swore she could here them whispering her name.

" And I'm sure you already know who I call when I need a duet partner" Sean laughed noticing the same thing as her.

" Kaycee!" They all shouted in unison. With that she walked out and laughed at Sean for the lengthy and playfully introduction.

" So I want to start todays class with some exercises. The connection you have with your partner in this dance is so so so important. So select your duet partner wisely" he said. He waited and watched as they formed groups of two with the occasional group of three due to odd numbers.

" Okay so I want very one to sit cross legged in front of each other" he said sitting down in the middle of the room in front of Kaycee. " And I want you to maintain eye contact and get to know the person your going to be dancing with. Connect with them"

He set a timer for fifteen minutes and turned his attention to Kaycee. They always participated in these activities even if it was unnecessary.

" So Sean Lew what don't I know about you?" Kaycee asked smiling looking into his eyes and following the instructions.

" You don't know how much I've missed dancing together" he smiled.

The two talked for the entire fifteen minutes but mostly about things they already knew about each other because they already knew the other too well.

" Alright let's start dancing" Sean says standing on his feet. He begins teaching slightly differently than with Kaycee. He's slower and goes into far more detail.

" I want the hug to look meaningful and I want to see the chemistry." He said. " For example" he began.

He pulled Kaycee into an awful hug. His hands were wrapped around her loosely but he was making sure that his face and torso didn't touch her at all.

" See that's a bad hug." He said releasing her. " I'm looking for this" he spoke holding Kaycee again with meaning this time. He was only holding her with one arm this time but his face was buried in her neck and hair.

" Notice the difference." the group instantly nodded.

Once Sean had finished teaching it was time to do it in groups. To start Sean and Kaycee would do it themselves to demonstrate, and then they would watch the others and handpick their favourites.

( Please watch the video it makes the story make sense and the dance is honestly just beautiful.)

As Kaycee danced with Sean she felt all her worries wash away. Whenever she danced with him it felt like a weight was being lifted off of her shoulders. The two of them were so in sync and connected in every movement. Their chemistry was unmatched.

Once they had finished the audience cheered and clapped. It was nice to see that they enjoyed the duo as much as the duo themselves did.

The rest of the class flew by quickly and before either of them knew it the dancing was over and everyone was sitting in front of them asking questions.

" Your chemistry is so good. How did you guys develop that?" A young girl who looked to be about fourteen asked. She looked ti Sean waiting for his answer but he was just watching Kaycee. He nudged her shoulder letting her take the lead.

" Sean it's your class." Kaycee whispered under her breath. He shook his head at her as if to say I'm not answering that.

" I think chemistry comes from really knowing someone and enjoying their company. You have to genuinely love working together for the dance ti seem effortless. The longer you know a person the better chemistry you'll have, but you also have to go through things with your partner good and bad" Kaycee says truthfully.

Her and Sean met when they were thirteen taking one of Jojo Gomezes classes. It has been a matched made in heaven right off the bat. However over the years their relahsionshiop only strengthened along with their feelings. By the time World Of Dance was over they felt like they were each others person.

" Thankyou all for coming!" Sean called out as the kids left and headed home.

" I'm sorry I haven't reached out to you since False Confidence came out" Sean spoke suddenly. It was just the two of them alone now.

" It's okay. I figured you were just busy with the video doing so well and all" Kaycee smiled but Sean did not.

" I wasn't busy Kace" He admitted. Where was all this coming from. Minutes ago they had been dancing together and everything was fine and suddenly he was talking about how he's been avoiding her?

" So you just didn't want to see me?" kaycee asked incredulously

" No Kace that's the problem I did want to see you. But I was reading the comments on that video and everyone was shipping us and I didn't t know what to do" he admitted. Kaycee softened a little.

" Its okay Lew just ignore them. I know you don't like me like that so who cares what they think. Their wrong anyways" she says attempting ti comfort him. But his eyes are glassy with fear.

" But that's why I wasn't talking to you. I was afraid they were right. And part me wants them to be" he sighed.

" Sean.." she didn't know he was holding all this in.

" I know what your going to say. We work together and we're best friends and that's all but good Kace. I just feel all messed up" he's rubbing his temples.

" You like me?" She asked calmly.

" I mean yeah." He spoke quickly.

" Okay. So then let's be together" Kaycee says nonchalantly grabbing her things and preparing to leave.

" What?"he also clearly taken aback by her response.

" You like me I like you, let's be together" she repeats confused by her friends confusion.

" I didn't think you would want that" he says truthfully

" I do Sean."

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