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(From this chapter, you'll learn more about Sarah's past and you'll see a little change from Leonardo as we move forward. Thank you for keeping up with me till now).

Sarah's view:

It has been a week since our unpredictable session. We were back to his house, Istanbul. We continued our routines as if nothing had happened and honestly I was thankful for that. Or else I wouldn't know what to say. I made him dinner and he ate it. Same with the breakfast, and than he went to work while I worked on my laptop peacefully.
Today was Friday, for some reason I felt uneasy since morning. It doesn't happen quite often but it felt odd today. As if something bad might happen. A fear of sadness. It happens sometimes.
This feeling of sadness was taking over my body. I felt anxious. I felt nauseous because of my anxiety. I was sitting on the couch trying to calm my head. It was 1pm, the door suddenly clicked opened. I looked at it standing up getting startled. It was Leonardo. He never comes back home in the middle of the day. I was surprised and anxious at the same time. He looked at me for a second and looked down as if he was hiding something. He shut the door closed still looking around but not at me.
His coat that was in his hand was now dropped on the couch near me. His shirt was cuffed up and his tie was lose. It looked like he went through hell while getting here.
I looked at him getting this uneasy feeling.
He looks at me with his strangely gentle eyes. As if he wax hesitant. He spoke
" Sarah, can we talk?" My anxiety got worse.
I nodded for him to continue with this unsettling feeling. He looked around as if he was trying his best to come up with the right words.
" Let's sit on the table. I need you to be calm." He spoke taking a seat on one of the chairs. I walked near the table and took a seat across from him. My hands were laying on the table. I was scared of what he was going to throw at my face this time.
He sighed loudly and held my hand. It was a gentle gesture and it seemed odd. He never does that. I looked at him with a questioning look getting more anxious each second.
" Sarah, what I'm about to tell you ...It will be extremely hard for you but I need you to know that everything will be ok. I want you to keep your calm, please." He spoke squeezing my hand gently. His eyes were different today as if he was worried about me.
I couldn't endure any more of his silence. It was odd, which only made me more anxious each second.
I stood up taking a step away from this chair and spoke scared
" Leonardo please tell me what's happening. You're scaring me." I pleaded while my chest was getting tightened each mere second. He immediately stood in front of me and held my hands again, gently, looking away for a second than back into my eyes
" I'm sorry Sarah... You're, you're father..He's no more" he spoke  looking down as if he didn't know how to break this to me.
I froze. The world around me completely froze. No, no this can't be happening. This can't be real. This has to be a nightmare. This can't be real. It's not possible, not like this. I looked at his face, for him to say that he was just lying but all I saw was him looking at me worried. My chest tightened as the reality slowly sank into me. In an instant my legs gave up. I sat on the floor holding my heart.
My body panicking, I was hyperventilating. My body was trembling with fear and unbelief but my breaths were loud. I couldn't breathe. My chest was hurting from the lack of air. I couldn't breathe. I was having a panic attack.
He sat on his knees holding me, he was worried to see me.
" Breathe Sarah, breathe." He spoke getting worried, while causing my body to move closer to him.
" No, no it can't happen,. He.. he talked to me. He just told me he was fine...He can't leave me alone. Please tell me it's not true please.. I..I can't live with this.." I spoke crying with panic. He pulled me closer to him trying to calm me. To calm my shaking body. He hugged me, with my head on his chest. My hands layed on the floor helpless while he soothed my back.
" Please breathe Sarah. I'm right here, I will always be here for you. I promise." He spoke calming me.
I cried loudly in his chest while he hugged me tightly.
" could this happen?.. he.. told me everything was fine.. I..I can't live with this.. please just say it's not true.. please. It hurts so much Leonardo please just tell me it's a lie..please." I cried into his chest. He continued soothing my back.
I cried and screamed into his chest which felt like hours. I kept crying until my mind became numb, my body exhausted. I felt tired. My body was tired from this shock. My breathing slowed down. I stopped crying but my tears didn't stop. I wanted this pain to go away. I want to wake  up and realise it's all a nightmare.
Leonardo suddenly picked me up in a bridal style while my head was on his chest.
He walked up the stairs towards his room and laid me on the soft bed. I didn't care that I was in his room. I just wanted this pain to go away. It was too much and every second it was getting worse. He sat near me and touched my hair lightly, my eyes getting heavier from the lack of energy causing me to fall asleep.

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