The boy never truly understood why he was running. It was as if instinct just took over him. His legs moved without clear processing. 

"Hahaha, faster~," the girl laughs as she runs her hands through his hair, holding back the strands that blew against the wind.

That night was one of those days where unanswered questions bloomed. A day in which the body took over the mind. Neither the boy nor the girl knew exactly what they were doing. Perhaps they were a little drunk or even a little high? 

Nonetheless, it was worthwhile. A day of laughter and youth. 

This was the beginning of their story.

The man stops as he views the endless crowd. No spark in sight. Perhaps it was all within the man's imagination? Or perhaps he was so absorbed with thoughts of her that his mind began playing tricks with him? 

Amidst the lively, hectic streets, the man stands alone. It's as if he's frozen while time moves constantly forward without him. Leaving the man alone in his domain, filled with nothing but emptiness. 

Ran's POV

"One mild Ramen and one extra spicy please~," I hum happily at the waiter causing the latter to blush slightly. 

"If Rinnie doesn't come soon he's gonna miss-," Before I could finish, Rin elbows me.


Rin's POV

My eyes trail around the room as Ran flirts with the waiter until I land on a certain blond. That person... have I seen her somewhere before? She seems familiar somehow. 

... maybe... no wait it couldn't be... it's her.

I cut Ran off by elbowing him causing the latter to look at me confused.


"3 o'clock, the pinkish-blond," I say.

Ran's POV


That person...

"No fucking way!" I exclaim to which Rin hits me with a pair of chopsticks.

"Quiet dumbass," she sighs before immediately putting on a polite smile as the waiter approaches our table with the food.

"Thanks~," I wink causing the server's face to go flush red before leaving. 

"Okay but... that can't be who I think it is can it?" I question while Rin just shrugs.

"Then you think that Rinnie ran off because he saw her? OH MY GOD, HE CHASED AFTER HER!?" I exclaim watching my princess take a bite of her Ramen.

"You don't think that they met again do you? I mean... Rinnie was a bit off the past few days..." I question as my eyes trail back to the pinkish-blond-haired woman, eyeing her up and down.

Rin's POV

"Who knows?" I reply, taking another bite of my Ramen.

"Shouldn't you act more surprised? You're taking this quite well knowing what happened that day?" Ran asks, gulping down a mouthful of his food.

"You're one to talk. I wasn't the one who broke a fucking wall," I retort.

"It's the builder's fault! They made the wall too weak! Not my fault it couldn't withstand my anger!" He states in defense.

"You keep telling yourself that," I chuckle as the latter pouts.


The Rinnie now... seems almost empty...

It's painful to watch...

Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love.

Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love

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