
689 17 8

*tw: mentions of death/losing a parent
take care of yourselves babes <3


Part of me woke up this morning convinced yesterday had been a dream, but Harry's still-naked body tangled with mine was a reminder that everything was very real.

As soon as I saw Harry standing at the back of the theater, I felt like I was floating. I locked in on his emerald eyes and everything else faded away. Anything I'd been worried about before the show disappeared and I was able to dive into my character and perform my first big show without the cloud of anxiety that had haunted me for weeks.

Harry explained everything about why he'd been running late over lunch, which made even more sense once we got to the party last night. It was in the lobby of the studio, which I've been in plenty of times since moving here, but it had been completely transformed.

A small stage was set up on one wall, a full bar tucked into the corner, and a dance floor had even been set up. The typically professional studio looked more like a club, but that didn't take away from how incredible everything felt. Harry's set was amazing, I think watching him perform has become one of my favorite things to see. He has this sense of charisma that draws everyone to him, but he carries himself so humbly that it almost makes him more intriguing.

His eyes stayed on me throughout the song, fueling the fire that had been building in me since we'd gotten back to the apartment after lunch. I never would've thought I'd be into anything sexual in public, much less initiate it, but the second I pulled him into that closet the rest of the world disappeared.

We left right after that, leaving the party after barely an hour, but the ache between my legs had me following after Harry without protest. We hadn't even made it through the door before he was all over me, blindly guiding me to his room without his lips leaving mine. True to his word, he definitely showed me just how proud he was.

I reluctantly untangle myself from Harry, but I'm fueled with excitement as I slip out of bed and throw on one of his shirts so I can head into the bathroom and get ready. I'm meeting my mom for breakfast this morning; I don't think I've been this excited to spend time with her since Dad died.

She's staying in a hotel a few blocks away and with both my show and the party yesterday, I've barely seen her since she landed yesterday morning. She picked the restaurant, sending me a random address and refusing to take any other suggestions. I assumed it was probably some place she went to on another trip to visit Niall and liked, so I didn't bother to argue with her.

I can't stop the flood of memories and emotions that wash over me as soon as I step into the shower. My mom and I used to be really close, but everything changed when Dad got sick. I had to watch him slowly crumble until his body couldn't fight anymore, as much as it hurt, I was expecting that part from the moment he refused treatment.

What I never expected, though, was how hard it would be watching my mom fall apart after he died and not being able to do anything about it. I was hurting, and a stubborn teenager, and the close relationship we used to have slipped through my fingers before I even realized what happened.

Things got better as time went on, but there's still a distance between us that I'm not sure will ever be fixed. Despite that, I rush to get ready and get out the door, plugging in the address my mom sent me as I request an Uber.

Luckily, it's a short ride, not leaving much time to overthink how this morning will go. I thank the driver and climb out of the car, only to freeze as soon as I see the name of the restaurant where I'm supposed to be meeting Mom.

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