Chapter Fourteen

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"I love you Ines"

The words were so soft I barely heard him and thought I misheard him.

I leaned up looking at him "what did you just says?" I asked touching his cheek.

"I didn't say anything." He said looking at me with confusion.

"Yes you Did. Did you say you love me? I asked again trying to steady my breathing.

"I didn't say anything..." He repeated this time his cheeks flushing.

I was annoyed that he was lying to me, I heard it. It was soft, faint but I heard it. I climbed off of him abruptly with a huff Looking for my shirt.

"Where are you going?" He sat up straight, swiftly tucking himself back into his pants.

"To my dorm." I replied bluntly searching for my underwear.

"What's wrong?" He seemed genuinely confused reaching out for my arm which made me more annoyed and I quickly snatched it away.

"I heard you say it. I don't understand why you're lying to me. Especially after what we just did" I glared at him miming my hand in the direction of him and the couch that we had just fucked on.

He stood up running his hands through his now messy hair "Fuck! I'm not lying okay!"

"So what I'm just going insane then? Great thank you Mattheo." I scoffed trying to do up the few buttons that remained on my shirt.

He grabbed my arm firmly "I didn't say it I thought it!" He yelled his eyes burrowing into me.

"I'm a witch not a fucking mind reader" I scoffed trying to pull out of his grasp again entirely done with this conversation.

"For fuck sake would you stop for one minute please! Sit!" He demanded pushing me down to the couch before sitting next to me.

I yanked my arm out of his hand finally. "It's called legilimency. And it's not you it's me." He explained softer this time and my brow furrowed in his direction.

I had heard of legimens but never met one, or heard of someone so young being capable of it. "you taught yourself to invade people's minds? why? "I asked scanning his face for answers.

"I didn't teach myself anything. I was born this way." He replied fidgeting with his hands, almost like he was embarrassed.

I remembered hearing that his father was one, one of the most powerful, but I didn't realize it was someone one could possess at birth.

A realization hit me and I started to feel sick. "You can read my thoughts..." I muttered softly wrapping my shirt around me tighter suddenly feeling very exposed.

So many things started to make sense now, the way he would stare at me, analyze in response to things I didn't say out loud, how he was able to find me that nigh with Cormac...Everything.

He looked up at me nodding slowly "and I can project mine onto you...I try not to, I do fine around other people, but it's harder with you for some reason..."

You're hard to be around Ines. His words from our fight in the library now echoed in my mind.

He nodded his head in response, that was going to take getting use to. "Your thoughts are loud...That's why it was just easier to ignore you. If I didn't let myself acknowledge you...maybe then your thoughts would stay your own." He added somberly.

"The Slytherin party...." I remembered the vivid flashes of us in my head, I had thought it was just the Venom potion but clearly there was far more to it.

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