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Since this moment, Yunki and I kept feeling an unknown affection and crave for each other deep down in our hearts, but no one of us wanted to admit it, because we had known each other only for a few hours.


15th July 2023

Some strange and awful sound made me wake up from a nap and dream about me and Yunki becoming friends. After I opened my eyes, I found out, that my cottage mate Denise just slammed the door from our small building fully prepared for the first day of training and my lazy body was still laying down on very comfy bed after denying ten alarms.

,,Shit!" I yelled all over the cottage and then I continued my monologue. ,,Don't tell me I'm gonna be only one, who's gonna be late on the first day of training...that can't happen. I should be an example of how to be prepared for the day, when someone is old bone like me..."

That morning I was so mad at myself, but after all, this energy helped me to wake up and prepare for the day fastly.


When I came to a circle, where everyone was sitting on the grass, I was only one minute late. All these people, who were there, looked deadly into my eyes, fully judging my one minute late enter and when they had to move their butts to let me sit between them, they were looking so tediously, that they must make some space for me.

,,Do you intend to waste my time like this every day, Mrs. Kang? asked Yunki with disappointment evident in his voice.

Also his voice was telling me, that he expected more from me in kinda interesting way. It made me feel like this, because the bound, which we had created yesterday, kept assuring me, that he doesn't wanna be harsh on me, but on the other hand, he can't be sweet all the time, because we started on good note.

,,I'm sorry Mr. Min, I didn't mean to be late and I promise, tomorrow I'll be here first out of all people." When I realized, that I'm talking very formal, it shocked not even me, but everyone. Even Yunki's eyes widened and his heart started strangely beating faster, cuz when he realized, how very respectful I'm toward him, it warmed his heart.


Yunki's perspective

~ Yunki's thoughts ~

,,Damn, this girl is something...Why do I feel nervous around her? She is only some crazy fan as many of these people for sure, so why I keep being distracted?"

~ end of Yunki's thoughts ~


Yunki was completely shocked, how strongly he is influenced by the stranger, who's name is Kang Stephanie.

end of Yunki's perspective


16th July 2023

After being scolded by Yunki, I truly came as the first human being to the spot, where we supposed to come for the next day of training.

From the far, I saw Yunki looking out of the window, analyzing whole place, who had already come and if I was there as I promised.

Because I didn't give a shit about him looking at me from far, I started with stretching my body out, because I had no clue, what he had planned for us.

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