Chapter 6: Reluctant Partnerships

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Joe had been going on no sleep for days now, or only a handful of hours at most, and a third cup of coffee was not helping. Whenever he wasn't working a normal case or worrying over his kids, he was up in Barry's abandoned lab at the precinct, staring at the corkboard. Every day he got a little closer to figuring out those missing pieces, but it still wasn't enough.

At least lately he'd remembered to lock the door when he was up there.

A knock broke him from his laser-focused attention, reminding him that someone could always be looking for him, and if he wasn't careful, more than Captain Singh would get suspicious of his behavior.

Leaving his coffee on Barry's desk, he moved for the door to unlock it, finding a uniformed officer he wasn't sure he recognized since the man's head was bowed.

"Yeah, what do you want? Captain asking for me? I'm just getting some quiet time up here to finish my paperwork." He turned away from the officer to head back to the corkboard, hoping it was something simple or unimportant so he could get back to work, because if it wasn't, he needed to flip the board over before anyone saw too much.

The officer didn't immediately say anything, but followed Joe in and shut the door behind them. It was when he locked the door again and a sudden pulse of electricity flashed through the room that Joe whirled around with a start.

"Hey. What's the idea-"

"Short range EMP. I think we need some privacy for this chat, Detective," Leonard Snart drawled as he pulled the hat from his head.

Joe scrambled to pull his gun, but Snart raised his hands like he was harmless.

"Now, now, do I look armed? No cold gun today, I swear."

"If that's true then you're a bigger idiot than I thought. Keep those hands where I can see 'em." Slowly, offering only a cursory glance around the room to confirm the electronics were out, Joe kept his gun in one hand while the other reached for his belt.

"I wouldn't bother with cuffs, Detective," Snart said, hands up as requested.

"Yeah, what for?"

"I'm here to help."

Joe bit out a bitter laugh. "And why would I believe that?"

"Because Barry is the one who sent me."

The room froze as if another EMP had gone off. "How do you know that name?" Joe struggled to keep the gun aloft and not drop cuffs from numb fingers.

"I know both your sons," Snart said. "Barry. Wally. Only nineteen and already a vigilante. You must be so proud." Losing any smugness from his smile, he added, "Relax, I'm not here to use that against you. I'm here about that." He lowered his hands enough to gesture at the corkboard.

"The hell would you care about a fifteen-year-old murder case?"

"Like I said. Barry sent me. His father didn't commit that crime."

EMP or otherwise, Snart couldn't hide the cold gun in his pocket, and Joe honestly didn't think he had a normal piece tucked somewhere either. As Snart finally dropped his arms, Joe dropped his too. "Yeah, I'm starting to get that, but I can't prove who did. That still doesn't answer why you care or how you know Barry."

"Besides our brief meeting at the theater, you mean?"

Joe grimaced at the reminder.

"Not quite enough time for hot gossip that night, you're right. Barry and I have chatted several times since, however, when he's on his walk-abouts from STAR Labs."

"He's still getting out?" Joe moaned. "To see you?"

Cautiously, since Joe hadn't put his gun away yet, Snart moved forward and then beyond Joe closer to the corkboard. "It seems Barry is under the impression that my days are numbered and he wants to fix that. Hard to get a straight answer out of him, as you're well aware, but I believe him."

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