"Yeah yeah whatever.." Jeongin says while looking in a mirror to see if he look nice. "I hope Hyunjin likes it.." the fox like boy says to himself. Jeongin goes home and the time was 4:30 he had less then 30 minutes to fix his hear and put on some make-up.

 Jeongin goes home and the time was 4:30 he had less then 30 minutes to fix his hear and put on some make-up

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He got a Uber and goes the the club he only had 10 minutes before it was 5

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He got a Uber and goes the the club he only had 10 minutes before it was 5. He made it to the club a little late only 5 minutes and he sees hyunjin in a ladder black pants and a black button up shirt and a ladder jacket and black boots to match the fit. Jeongin looks at hyunjin with open mouth and hart eyes. "Oh your here! You look beautiful Jeongin! I love your makeup and your outfit." Hyunjin says while looking at jeongin head to toe with hart eyes. "T-thank you.. you look h-hot.." Jeongin says while blushing very hard and covering his face so that the taller can't see that he is blushing.

"Let's go inside beautiful." "O-okay.." both boys goes inside the club and they can see everyone was looking at them. The shorter boy noticed and looked at the taller one with a cute puppy face. The taller noticed and kiss the shorter forehead with a smile. The shorter boy blushed by the action the taller did and looked away from the taller. "You're so cute jeongin. Let's get some drinks so we can have fun." The taller one says to the shorter one. They go to the bar and order some drinks and the taller boy was paying for there drinks. "Thank you!" The shorter boy says and drinking his drink. The taller was looking at how cute and beautiful the shorter was. "Your welcome pretty boy~" the taller says which got the shorter boy off guard. "W-what? Pretty boy?" The shorter boy says while looking at the taller one with big eyes.

"Sorry you are so beautiful and pretty I can't help it." The taller boy says to the shorter boy with a big smile on his face. "O-oh! Its okay.. I like the nick name.." the shorter boy mumbles his last part but the taller boy can hear it. "You like nick names huh? Got it pretty boy." The shorter boy blushes and covers his face so he doesn't have to look at the taller boy. "Aww don't cover your pretty face baby.. I want to see your beautiful face." The taller boy says while grabbing the shorter wrist to remove his hands from his face. "There see how beautiful you are baby?" The taller smiles big and gives the shorter one a kiss on the cheek.

"W-whatever.." the shorter says to the taller and grabbing his drink so he can drink it. "Hey jeongin! I'm here with chan and felix and his boyfriend. " The shorter boy looks behind him to see a boy with black long dress white shoes to go with it. "Hey Seungmin! This is the guy I talked about" Jeongin says to Seungmin with a smile. "Hello I'm hyunjin nice to meet you." "Hello I'm Seungmin! Jeongin best friend." Seungmin says with a smile on his face. "Hey guys I hope you don't mind i invite my friends." "Oh sure its fine who did you invited?" Seungmin asks to chan "jisung and his boyfriend leeknow." "Wait.. JISUNG HAS A BOYFRIEND?!" Jeongin yells. "Yeah I know who would date this guy!" Chan says jokingly. "Haha funny guys!" Jisung says with a annoyed face. "Hello I'm his boyfriend leeknow nice to meet you all." "HEYYYY I'M HERE!" Felix yells to the boys. "And guess who got a new boyfriend~!" "Jisung" Jeongin says while laughing. "Wait what?! Jisung has a boyfriend?!" "Yeah I do!" Jisung says while smiling.

"Well anyway! I have a new boyfriend say hi!" "Hello my name is changbin nice you meet you guys." "Hello" the boys says. "Let's dance guys! I'm bored!" Jisung says to his friends. "I'm up for dancing you guys?" Chan says. "Sure I can dance." Seungmin says while looking at Felix. "Fine I will dance too." Felix says. "I will dance with my love felix." Changbin says while smiling at felix. "Okay just once tho." Leeknow says."what about you guys? Wanna dance?" Felix asks Jeongin and hyunjin. "No I'm good you guys go ahead and dance." Jeongin says while smiling at the boys. "I'd he's staying I'm staying." Hyunjin says while looking at jeongin with a smile. "You guys do you I guess." Seungmin says and goes to the dance floor with the other boys.

I hope you guys liked it i really don't have any idea what I'm doing 😔  if you guys want to give me some ideas to make this better please do! I need all the help I can get!😂

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