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Queens, NYC.

As the moon hung high in the night sky, "Hey, Felicia." Peter called out as he landed softly behind her. She turned to face him, her emerald eyes locking onto his masked gaze.

"Spider-Man, what a surprise," Felicia replied, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Sorry to cut this short, but I have a job interview to attend."

Peter's eyes narrowed beneath the mask as he reached out to web Felicia, pinning her against the wall. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me where our child is and why you kept them away from me," he demanded, his tone firm.

Felicia struggled against the webbing, a mixture of annoyance and defiance on her face. "Oh, Spider, always so eager to play the hero," she taunted. "Don't worry, I'll tell you where he is. He's at home, probably doing his homework, going through some... strange changes."

Peter's grip on his web shooters tightened, a flood of emotions surging within him. "Changes? What kind of changes?" he asked, concern seeping into his voice.

Felicia hesitated for a moment before continuing, "He might be turning into Spider-Man, or he might not. It's hard to say, but I thought it was best to keep him away from this world."

"You should have told me," Peter said, his voice tinged with hurt. "I would have been there for both of you."

Felicia shifted uneasily, her eyes darting away for a moment before meeting his gaze directly. Her voice was soft, tinged with sadness as she finally confessed, "I was mad, Peter. I was mad at you for never understanding, for never seeing what was right in front of you."

Peter's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I wanted you, Peter. All those years ago, I wanted you, and I gave you every hint I could think of, but you were always so focused on Mary Jane."

Peter's heart sank as he realized the truth of her words. Memories flooded his mind - all the times he had been oblivious to Felicia's subtle advances, her attempts to win his heart. He had been so caught up in his love for Mary Jane that he never considered the possibility that someone else was longing for him.

"I never meant to hurt you, Felicia," Peter's voice wavered with remorse. "I had feelings for Mary Jane, but I didn't know that you felt the same way about me."

Felicia's eyes softened, and she shook her head, "I don't blame you, Peter. I don't blame you for falling in love with Mary Jane. She's amazing, and you two are perfect together."

Peter's heart ached at the pain in her voice, the weight of unspoken emotions that had built up over the years. He wanted to reach out, to comfort her, but he knew that words alone wouldn't heal the wounds of the past.

"I want to be there for our child, Felicia," Peter said earnestly. "I want to be a father, to make up for lost time."

Before Felicia could respond, Peter's spider sense tingled, warning him of imminent danger. Reacting instinctively, he pushed Felicia off the wall and leaped after her. In mid-air, he shot a web to catch her, swinging them both to safety just as a bullet grazed the spot where she had been.

Breathing heavily, Felicia looked at Peter, realizing the gravity of the situation. "You saved my life," she whispered, a mix of shock and gratitude in her eyes.

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