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For as long as Murtasim could remember he hadn't really understood the concept of home. He had houses and properties all over the country. All equally luxurious, practical and comfortable. They were status symbols, investments or heritage. He stayed in Hyderabad's mansion because that is where his family resided, he spent a lot of time in the Gao haveli because his duty demanded it. It hadn't ever mattered how long he had to stay away from a particular house until it suddenly did.

He was required to visit the village trying to deal with issues Malik had caused. Meerab had been sleeping when he had left and he hadn't had the heart to disturb her sleep. So he had left her with a note informing her about his whereabouts.

To add to his already stormy mood haya had somehow managed to convince Maa Begum to send her as well on the pretext of taking care of the haveli. She had constantly tried to initiate conversation with him that he had either ignored or shut down. He had locked himself in his study trying to get issues resolved as soon as possible.

His heart had constantly clenched with longing. He hadn't even gotten to talk to his wife once. It felt so surreal to miss something, someone so much.

He khuda kya ho raha hai yeh, mein kyu uski taraf khicha ja raha hoon. He had sent the silent thought to his lord. Hoping for answers.

He could have easily stayed there and gotten the work done in another day or two but his heart hadn't settled and it had just felt.... Wrong. So had pushed both physical and mental capacity in order to drive back to Hyderabad the same day.

The urgency with which he had completed his work, the dull ache in his muscles caused by traveling such a distance twice in a day all seemed to melt away when Meerabs eyes had lit up as he had entered halfway during the dinner. Her eyes gleaming with recognition, surprise and then undeniable joy. The sight had given some respite to the longing in his heart, it seemed like he wasn't the only one affected by this short separation.

She must have been extremely delighted at his presence because she took it upon herself to set him a plate something she had never done before. Her fingers grazing his as she passed him his food and her eyes lingering.

"Haya kaha hai, vo bhi gayi thi na tumhare saath?." Maa Begums voice broke their silent conv and Murtasim felt like cold water had been thrown on him bringing him back to reality.

He looked slightly dumbfounded "It completely slipped my mind that she was also there." He truly had forgotten, he wanted to forget her irritating existence trying to get the work done as soon as possible to be back to a certain someone who constantly tormented his thoughts. It seemed like is goal was achieved a little too well.

" Itni jaldi thi tumhe Meerab ke pas aane ke kya?" his mother questioned with eyebrows raised, her tone mocking. However there was no real bite in her tone.

Meerab blushed what weird obsession did this mother son duo have with teasing her.

"I'll send a driver tomorrow." He said without bothering to apologize because truthfully he didn't regret it.

"Rehne do, it would be good for her to spend some time there, she anyways seemed way too eager to take care of stuff there I'll see when to bring her back." Maa Begums ordered and nobody resisted.

Meerab tried hard to hold back her smile, feeling giddy while she always tried to avoid haya and her antics her constant delusion about winning Murtasim did take a toll on her sometimes.

As they left for their room after the dinner was done his hand had automatically seemed to find hers like it unconsciously always did.

Her step had faltered slightly as they entered the room, her expression looked like that of a kid caught with his hand in tge cookie jar, realization dawned on him. The their room smelled strongly like his signature perfume. In that moment He let himself fantasize that his wife had missed his presence just the way he had missed hers. She had longed for him. Perhaps she had sprayed the room with it in order to feel his essence his scent. The way she avoided his gaze seemed to make him sure of his assumptions.

He didn't feel like teasing her today though, he wanted to savor her company quietly so he leaned in but not for the usual kisses they shared instead he took her in his arms. Hugging her and that somehow felt like the most intimate thing they had ever done, her soft form pressed against his muscular one. She didn't pull away choosing to bury her face in his neck and letting his warmth pass through her. He felt content.

This he thought was what coming home truly meant and felt like.


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