Chapter 160: Matters of the Gong family

Start from the beginning

"That's good!" Zhou Guojian nodded his head in satisfaction. "Once his name is cleared, he will be able to rise faster in the political career. And that means Wei 'Er will have a stronger backing."

"Dad, you're right!"Zhou Huaming replied.

"Therefore, this time, you need to hang in there!" Zhou Guojian reminded his eldest son again. "Even if they break your teeth and ruin your face, you have to stomach everything! We can take revenge after this thing blows over!"

"Yes, father." Zhou Huaming said.


As Xiao Lingyu drove her brother back to Taoyuan Village, Xiao Lingye looked at the newly paved road, and he sighed. "They sure work fast. After this road is done, we can travel between the village and town in ten minutes by car. That's unimaginable in the past!"

Xiao Lingyu laughed. "That's the power of money." The road would be done in a few more days.

"Sis, Mom said that Mr. Gong wanted to build a house in our village. Has the house been built?" Xiao Lingye asked, "Since the road is almost done, the house must be done already." It had been almost twenty days since Xiao Lingye last returned home, so he didn't know many latest updates.

Xiao Lingyu explained, "The house is built already. It was done a few days ago. Even the renovation is done. Now they only need to let the place air for a few days. Then, once the furniture arrives, the owners can move in." The house was built using non-chemical compounds, so people could move in immediately.

Xiao Lingye asked with interest, "Sis, is the house beautiful? I heard the rich like to live in villas with European styles. In the cities, a villa is worth tens of millions. However, it won't cost that absurd amount in the countryside, right?"

Like his sister, Xiao Lingye had good results since he was young. He had gone to big cities to participate in various competitions. He knew more about capitalism than most villagers.

Xiao Lingyu said with a smile, "If you're so curious, you can go take a look for yourself."

To be honest, the house was quite ordinary. It was built with green bricks and glazed tiles and had a large courtyard. Of course, in the eyes of the people of Taoyuan Village, it was already very grand.


"Tianhao, the roads have been repaired and the house built." Li Yuanhang said, "After some time, we can send some furniture over, and then the old master can move in."

Gong Tianhao frowned and asked curiously, "So fast? What about the paint smell and so on?"

Li Yuanhang expected this question because he had the same question earlier. He got the explanation from the local builders.

Li Yuanhang said with a smile, "Tianhao, we employ rural builders this time, and they use natural materials. For example, instead of plywood, they used solid wood cut directly from the forest. The house has a natural scent, and there is no need for a waiting period for the chemical stuff to aerate."

Hearing Li Yuanhang's explanation, Gong Tianhao was expressionless and only nodded slightly. He said, "Buy a set of mahogany furniture and send it over. Also, prepare grandpa's things. We'll go take a look ourselves in a few days."

"Okay!" Li Yuanhang nodded and replied. Then, as if he thought of something, he asked, "Tianhao, have you discussed this with the old master?" They had prepared everything, but the person in question still didn't know about it.

Once Li Yuanhang asked that question, Gong Tianhao's expression froze.

Li Yuanhang asked suspiciously, "Tianhao, have you not talked to the old master about this?" This was not good. The old master was very stubborn. If he didn't want to move to Taoyuan Village, there was nothing they could do.

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