Feelings or Humanity?

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Arim flinched when he suddenly opened his eyes looking straight in hers.

"What?"she questioned not knowing what else to do at the moment.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking this?"he raised his eyebrows still lying down on the bed with Arim beside him.

"Umm I was just trying to wake you up, you know."she said, clearly nervous.

"No I don't know."his voice sounded teasing to her.

"What the hell is your problem huh? I was just trying to help you out cuz you passed out last night and here you are asking useless questions. Mr, you should know that we thank people in such situations and not bombard them with questions."she said and stood up from the bed in an instant.

Arim was clearly nervous and that was the reason she blabbered all those gibberish.

To hide her nervousness and flustered face she sneakily went in the direction of the door to exit but,

"Why are you leaving? Shouldn't you help people when they're sick."his voice made her halt her steps.

"It's not like you are disable or something, you just got a mild fever and I'm sure you are going to be alright soon."she said still looking in the direction of the door.

"Ok you can leave but I think I'm going to starve today cuz I don't have any strength to eat on my own."

"Argh, you have tons of maids why not you ask one of them?"she asked getting annoyed (but was that really annoyance?)

"I don't want anyone to see me in such condition."

"But I'm more of a stranger to you then they are, still?"this time she asked facing him.

"Who said you are a stranger?"his voice sounded weak yet confident.


"Nothing, you gonna help me or not?"he asked now trying to sit up.

"Argh, ok just because you helped me and I'm not someone to leave people alone in their tough times."

Arim said and came forward to stand Infront of him, arms folded on her chest.

"Now what?"she questioned.

"What? You should feed me now."he shrugged.

"Are you out of your mind?"she looked in his direction dumbfounded who was looking completely unbothered.

"Did I say something wrong?"

This innocent look of his always made Arim's heart soft although she didn't know why.

"Fine."she sighed heavily.

Arim sat on the bed beside him and brought a spoonful of soup Infront of his mouth but he just sat there and didn't even open his mouth.

"What the hell? Now please don't say that you can't even open your mouth on your own."she was getting frustrated.

"Don't you think it's too hot to consume right now. I think, just blow on it a little bit."

Arim's eyes softened the moment she looked in his eyes and without her even noticing she began blowing on the food.

When the food was suitable to consume, she fed him and after doing so she stood up and was about to leave but he stopped her once again.

"Can you stay a little longer? I mean you don't have to but I'll feel lonely if you leave."

Arim just nodded and sat on the nearby couch.

"Can I ask something?"she questioned a second later.

He hummed in response and Arim took a deep breath before questioning,

"Who is Seara? I mean I heard you calling her name yesterday and I used to know someone with the same name, so that's why I'm asking."she looked down a bit nervous.

"Can you tell me about the seara you used to know?"instead of answering, he questioned back.

That certain question took her by surprise. She went back in time to that horrible day without her even knowing,

"Dad, I'm leaving."said a guy standing on the doorstep while lacing his shoes.

"Please drop me at the college, please."Arim said with puppy eyes.

"Not this please. You know I'm going on a date what if I get late. I don't want my first impression to be ruined."he said still busy in lacing.

"Please, pretty please you're my dear brother right please lix oppa please."she tried whatever she could at the moment.

"Argh I told you thousand times, Don't Call Me Oppa, Arim."

"Ok ok I'm sorry dear brother but please you just need to drop me nothing else please."

"Argh you know how to convince me, now go and wait in the car I'm coming in a minute."

"Thank you so much lix oppa."she said and ran outside.

He just chuckled at her behavior.

"Dad, are you here? I'm leaving and I'm gonna drop Arim on my way."he shouted, a bit loud.

Hearing no response from the other side, he just sighed and left.

They sat in the car and he started the engine.

After some time when they were still on the way to her college, a notification popped up in Arim's phone and after looking at it her eyes sparkled.

"College is off today."she shouted in excitement making the other flinch.


"Yeah, because of some issues college is off today. I'm so happy yohoo."she started shouting in excitement.

"Now what? We are too far away from the house and I can't leave you here either."he asked the one who was still smiling with excitement.

"I've an idea."she commented a second later.


"Umm I can join you guys. Don't take me wrong I mean you can enjoy your date and I'll just sit on another table till you guys are done with everything."she said smiling innocently.

"Naur way."he shouted with wide eyes.

"Why?"she started using her weapon, the puppy eyes, once again.

"Not again please."

"Please, I promise I won't say anything I'll just sit far away from you and you guys won't even realize my presence."

After thinking for like a minute and not finding any other solution, Felix sighed and agreed with her.

"Okay but please behave."

"Alright alright don't worry."she began to look outside the window with excitement....

Any thoughts?
Btw this was a cute chapter, wasn't it?

As always, love you:)

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