The Innocent Mistake - 11

Start from the beginning

"I can't watch that F1 either," she complained.

"Hmm... let's make peace," he suggested. She agreed, and they sat together, changing channels one by one.

"Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani (Movie name)," they both exclaimed in unison and looked at each other.

"Huh! Of course, that's your favorite male actor," Sidharth smirked.

"Yeah! Don't act saintly. I know you have a crush on the female lead," Sana teased him with her tongue out.

"Yeah, yeah! Whatever works, as long as I don't have to hear the irritating voices of your cartoon characters," Sidharth said.

"Don't you dare say anything about Nobita and Shizuka," Sana warned him, making him roll his eyes.

Flashback ends:

Sana turned off the television, which had been playing the same movie, and went to sleep.

As usual, Sana went to the nearby park for her evening walk. Sitting on a wooden bench, she glanced at Sidharth, who, as usual, followed her. He put his head down, caught red-handed, unaware that she had known all along.

"Come here," she called him. He obeyed her instruction and sauntered over to her.

"Why do you follow me every day?" she asked.

"Huh?" He was taken aback.

"I'm not a kid for you to follow me every day," she scolded.

"No, I was just making sure you're safe," he explained.

"Safe from whom?" she questioned.

"I... I mean... healthwise," he stuttered, looking at her.

"Don't... don't look at me. It reminds me of that day. The day you saw me without my clothes... I feel mortified" she paused, her voice filled with pain, putting her head down.

He immediately lowered his head, overwhelmed with regret for his actions. He nodded, staring at her feet instead of looking at her face.

"Sit here," she pointed to the other end of the bench, and he quietly complied. There was a brief silence between the two as they watched the children swinging on the swings in the playground.

Somewhere, Sidharth was reminded of their childhood when they played together. Sidharth would easily give Sana a gentle push on the swing, but Sana would struggle to push him, often causing him to swing haywire. How he wished he could go back and undo the mistakes that had changed their lives.

"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Papa is busy," she spoke, bringing him back from his thoughts.

"What time is the appointment?" he asked.

"Nine o'clock," she said.

"I'll book a taxi for eight o'clock," he said.

"Don't you have a Myki card?" she asked.

"I do," he replied.

"Let's take public transport then," she suggested, and he hummed in agreement.

The journey to the hospital was quiet, and they arrived 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment. After another 15 minutes of waiting, the doctor finally called Sana inside. The midwife conducted the routine check-up, assessing her weight, pulse, blood pressure, and the baby's heartbeat. The doctor then measured Sana's belly with a measuring tape and examined the position of the fetus inside the womb using her hands.

"Sana, who do you live with?" the doctor asked.

"My father," Sana replied.

"Is he here with you today?" the doctor inquired.

Sana shook her head, indicating he wasn't present.

"The person who was sitting beside you outside, is he your partner?" the doctor asked.

Sana looked at her, uncertain about how to respond. If this question had been asked earlier, she would have immediately referred to him as her best friend. But now things were different. Could she still call him her friend after what she had been through because of him?

"Hmm," she nodded, agreeing to refer to him as her partner. The partner in crime, as they say.

"Can we call him in?" the doctor suggested.

"Why?" Sana asked immediately.

"I just wanted to talk to him," the doctor replied.

"Hmm," Sana reluctantly agreed, and the midwife called Sidharth inside.

"Hi, I'm Sue, one of the obstetricians at the clinic, looking after Sana," the doctor introduced herself to Sidharth.

"Hi, I'm Sid," Sidharth replied with a slight smile.

"Sid, the reason why I asked you to come in is that I wanted to inform you that Sana's latest scan showed that the baby's development is not progressing as expected. She is currently 34 weeks along, which means we have a few more weeks until she arrives, and during this time, we need to ensure that Sana receives proper nourishment. It's important for her to eat well and consume foods rich in nutrients. Make sure she stays happy," the doctor advised.

"I will," Sidharth nodded, affirmatively taking note of the doctor's instructions.

"My baby... will she be okay?" Sana asked fearfully. Sidharth bit his lip, hearing her words. He realized how attached she already was to the baby.

"Yes, she will be, as long as you take good care of her," the doctor reassured.


To be continued ❤️❤️

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