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The Spiritual Plant Master Transmigration



All Chapters




📚Mark Read



Chapter 1: 1

Xiao Jinting wakes up and finds himself in the middle of a strange room. In a state of agitation, he reaches out his hand and rubs his forehead to clear his thoughts.

All he can vaguely recall is that he was on his way back to his dorm after finishing the day’s work on studying genetically modified potatoes in his lab when suddenly a mysterious and powerful force pushed him into a river. The last sensation he felt was the agonizing fear of drowning to his death, which seemed to have lingered forever.

While looking around the room, Xiao Jingting recalls from his dream that he now has the memory of a man with the same name as his – a second-generation descendant of a wealthy family who now is in straitened circumstances. With his surroundings getting more and more familiar with those in that man’s memory, he realizes he has traveled back through time.

Before he could wrap his head around what’s happened, he finds his stomach is grumbling.

Rubbing his belly, Xiao Jingting rolls out of the bed to cook himself some food.

As he builds the fire and starting cooking, the man keeps organizing all the pieces of his newfound memory. Obviously, he has traveled back to the body of a young man from the Xiao family. The man’s parents were both very capable and successful people but were seldom home. Due to a lack of proper parental discipline, the man was spoiled rotten and ended up becoming a good-for-nothing who would spend his days either loafing around or visiting one brothel after another.

Had his parents been alive, Childe Xiao would have kept leading a comfortable life without a care in the world. Unfortunately for him, his parents got into an accident while on business, and with no one to support him anymore, the man was banished by his own family to a desolate and remote place.

In the middle of cooking, Xiao Jingting hears a rustling sound.

Then he sees the door across him is slightly opened and through the crack a child is observing him from outside.

Xiao Jingting keeps his head lowered without speaking or doing anything else.

The previous owner has a wife who was originally one of his servants to whom he married after he, drunk into oblivion, forced himself upon him in a quite scandalous affair. The man didn’t like his wife at all and the couple had long had a bad relationship.

The couple father two sons even though they had only shared the same bed a few times.

In this world, it’s not easy for men to conceive, and the man’s wife proves to be much more fertile than everyone else. The previous Xiao had quite a number of female and male confidants, all of whom would trash talk his wife to him in private, saying that the boys were not his, his male wife cheated on him, and that he was raising someone else’s children.

The previous Xiao, being easy to be influenced, grew suspicious of his wife whom he already disliked, and consequently, his disdain for his wife spread to his own sons.

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