Revisiting The Past pt¹

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"Hey, let's meet up soon, ill  text you the address ," Jenna suggests, her voice calm but full of enthusiasm. "I just wanted to tell you something important, and if you're available, we could talk about it face to face." With that said, she hangs up and sends you a text with the address. Your heart flutters in anticipation, wondering what it could be that's so important she wants to meet in person. All you can do now is wait.

You look up the address she sent you and realize it's only a few minutes away from your house, a convenient walk away. This immediately piques your curiosity, as you wonder why she wants to meet you so close to your home. Could it be something secretive and private? Regardless, you text her back, confirming your availability and letting her know that you'll arrive at the meeting spot soon. With that, you start getting ready and prepare to head out to meet her.

With your head full of questions, you start heading towards the address Jenna provided you. After a few minutes walking, you notice a bench off to the side, and decide to take a break and relax a little while you wonder about the mysterious reason for this meeting. You take a seat on the bench and breathe in some fresh air, trying to clear your mind of all speculation and waiting patiently for Jenna to arrive. The sun is setting and the sky is turning a beautiful shade of orange, providing a peaceful setting for your pondering.

Your heart flutters in your chest, seeing Jenna Ortega approaching you, the girl you've been dating for two years. She's as gorgeous and radiant as ever, her warm smile greeting you. But you also know this meeting must be important, as Jenna  wouldn't have wanted to meet at this time otherwise. "Hello, my love," she greets, her voice gentle and sweet. You're already feeling your heart rate quicken, as the anticipation builds.

"I need to talk to you about something very important," Jenna says, her voice solemn and serious. "And... I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear it, but this is something that must be said. We've been together for two years now, and I care for you deeply, but..." She pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "I'm really sorry, but I think it would be best if we ended our relationship," she finally blurts out.

Your eyes widen in shock, as the words register in your mind and the reality sinks in. You feel tears begin to sting your eyes as you struggle to hold back the floodgates of emotions threatening to pour out.

"Is there... Any particular reason why?..., Did i do something wrong?.. l-let me make it right..." You stuttered..

"I'm so sorry," Jenna Ortega says softly, her eyes filled with regretful tears. "It's not about you, my love. It's about me... I've been feeling very lost and confused lately, and I just need to focus on my career right now."

Before Jenna  can leave, you grasp her hand, tears streaming down your face. She immediately notices your distraught expression and pauses, her brow furrowing in concern. "No, please..." you plead with her, your grip tightening on her hand. "I know you need to do this, for yourself... but please, don't forget about me." This seemingly confirms Jenna's decision, as she starts to pull her hand away from you, a sad look in her eyes.

You bite your bottom lip, trying to contain the overwhelming emotions washing over your body. But the tears are unstoppable, and you are left in no doubt of your heartbreak. You watch as Jenna's figure walks away, her steps quickening as though she's trying to escape the heartbreaking sight. You wish she didn't have to leave after all of these years together, but you respect her decision, no matter how much it hurts you right now.

Your vision blurred from the tears as you hung your head low. Finally realising she was gone.. you sat at the bench thinking if this was a reality.

You remained in your room for a week straight, only leaving your room occasionally for some food and when everyone else was asleep. Your parents and best friend started to worry about you, worried that you might've taken your own life in your grief over Jenna leaving you, you were very in love... One day, when they thought you would be fast asleep, your parents and best friend barged in unannounced. They see the state of your room and immediately grew concerned, realizing that you haven't been taking care of yourself since Jenna Ortega left.

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