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"ALINE WAKE UP! IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" my older brother; Marvel said. Gosh, It's too early to be awake.

I wake up and I check my phone for the time. 5:59 am. God, I really hate when this happens. I had one minute till my alarm rings I shooed my brother out of my room and laid back down. I have to my sleep for those few seconds left.

I groaned when my alarm rang, I wish that one minute lasted longer. I walked to my bathroom to get ready for the day.

Gosh, my first day of school at Regents aka Keto's school, and I could feel the nervousness eating me up. I headed downstairs while I almost fell asleep walking on the stairs.

"Are you excited for your first day?" My mom asked setting down the plate of food in front of me. My mom was definitely more excited for school than me.

 "No" I replied eating a bite of my pancake. I absolutely hated the fact of me switching schools and not being in the same school as my Best friends. It felt like I had to restart my whole life again.

"Hurry up you're gonna be late." My mom said as she exits the house to the car to drive me to school. I finish eating put on my shoes and go to my car.

My mom dropped me off and waved goodbye. I sighed as I see the school. Looks like any other school and it's not that special.

I'd been dreading this day for the whole weekend. It'd be funner if my best friends were all here with me. I wish I never moved to be honest.

As soon as I stepped in I could feel stares on me so I walked faster. I looked for signs at the admin's office and sighed as I saw it.

"Oh hi! You must be the new student. Your class is class A and heres your piece of paper to help you get around! Oh, and this boy will tour you around the school!" She pointed at a boy who seemed like just walked in when she was talking.

"Hi! My name's Timothy." The boy now named Timothy says

"Uhm Hi? My names Aline" I reply back as I shake the hand that he put in front of me awkwardly.

"Okay so let's go on with the tour!" He says exclaiming. He is a very energetic person but let me tell u, he's very zesty. Very very zesty.

He showed me to my locker which is next to someone's locker called "Keto" Wait... KETO??


I could see that Timothy saw me with my eyes wide and I could see he looked very confused. If I get closer to him I might tell him what happened between me and Keto. But when I was about to open my mouth and speak the bell rang meaning the first class is starting.

"Oh class is starting now! I better get going to my class!! I'll see you soon to continue the tour, Aline!" He says. But as he was about to walk off I called him back.

"Wait! Can you show me where my class is?" I ask since I didn't know the way.

"Okay let me check ur paper. Oh! It seems like we are classmates!! Let's go before we're late since the bell rings 5 minutes before class actually starts!" He says as he runs in front of me.

I can say I was pretty confused but I just went along with it and ran behind him so I wouldn't be Late on my first day of school.

Timothy and I reach the class and I could see the other students busy with other students as we walk up to the teacher.

"Hi Ms! I was just showing Aline around since she's the New student so sorry we're late!" Timothy says as the teacher just nodded and looked at me 

"Hi you must be the new student; Aline am I right? I'm Ms. Wul and currently, we are having a group project so you can just sit down next to Timothy while waiting for your next group member to come.'

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As Timothy and I talk about the school for around 2 minutes we see someone walking to us. I feel like I recognize her from social media though.

"Hi, Timothy. Oh! You're Aline, right? Nice to meet you! I'm Kalea." She says

She looks like a big extrovert to be honest. But I didn't leave her and her hand in front of me ignored. I eventually came back to my senses and shook her hand.

"Yeah, My names Aline. Nice to meet you!" I say to not sound awkward but then Timothy interrupted our meeting.

"Okay, you can sit down now Kalea, Let's wait for Ms Wul to say something about this group thing."

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 We wait for around 2 minutes until Ms. Wul started talking

"Okay so class today on our first day of school we will work in your groups but we will also combine two groups from different classes together. And this is so you can meet other students from other classes."

My classmates jumped in happiness as they could see their friends from other classes. But that's not the case for me since I only had one or maybe two considering Kalea as my friend and they are in the same class and group as me.

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(a/n longest chapter I wrote?!!?!? around like 900 words oml)

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