After Hours

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After another long and tiring day of events and interviews, Jenna Ortega finally arrives back to her hotel room. After rummaging through her bag to find the key, she pushes it into the door lock and walks inside.

But the atmosphere of the room changes when she enters. Lying on the bed, facing away from her, is her lover. The actor takes in a deep breath and silently closes the door behind her. She tiptoes over towards the bed, looking at  you peacefully snoozing in her bed.

Jenna  walks into the bathroom after taking some comfy clothes from her bag. She carefully undresses from her attire, trying to make as little noise as possible in order not to wake her lover . Once she is in more comfortable attire, The actor quietly closes the bathroom door behind her.

She can feel a lump in her throat, knowing that the person in her bed is actually her secret lover. The two of them have been together for a year now, but they've been keeping their relationship a deep secret from the public. Just as she is about to leave the room, she notices her lover turn around and face her in bed. Jenna watches as her partner slowly sits up in bed,

rubbing you're eyes and adjusting to your surroundings. Your face hazy from sleep, still in a dream-like state. But when you fully open your eyes, you notice jenna standing there in the room. The two of you looking at each other for a moment, before you slowly grin and rub your tired eyes. The expression on your face is one of surprise... and anticipation.

You take measured steps towards Jenna, both your eyes locked and faces mere inches apart. The two of you stand like this quietly for a moment, taking in each other's presence. Then, you slowly bend forward, placing you're hands under jenna's arms and pulling her close. You then rest your forehead against her shoulder, feeling her warm, smooth skin under your touch. In that moment, there is nobody else in the world but the two of you...

"Long day?" you murmur, your voice gentle and warm. You have your arms wrapped tightly under Jenna's, her head resting on your shoulder as she stood on her tiptoes. You pulled back from the hug to stare into her eyes, you notice the tiredness etched into her features. She smiles weakly, knowing that you will comfort her and make everything better. She gently lays her head against your chest, she leans up and caresses your cheek with one hand, before closing her eyes again and resting comfortably in your arms.

"ah, have you eaten yet, my love? If you wish,  i will happily prepare you a delicious meal, whatever you'd like. But first, let me attend to your needs. You must be utterly exhausted from all the recent events." You offered.

"Ah, well... I have been completely occupied with my work all day. I lost track of the hours and, unfortunately, didn't get the chance to partake in my evening meal. I was simply too wrapped up in everything going on, and the time just slipped by. I'm so sorry to cause any worry for you, my love." Jenna replies looking at you through her tired eyes.

"Oh, love. Don't worry about it. You know I am always worried about you, but I also understand the commitment you have to your work. Let us retire to the kitchen and have a nice meal together. It's already been a long day for both of us, so we might as well relax and savor this intimate evening together." You speak softly, with a soft and calming voice. Even though you know Jenna  wants to help out in the kitchen, you firmly pull her towards the couch and sit her down. She tries to stand up again to complain, but you hold her shoulders and sat her down again. “No, my dear. I insist that you relax and let me cook for you this evening. I will not let you lift a finger until you relax and feel better. Now, tell me what you want to eat and I will go ahead and prepare it.”

"i would like a white egg omelette, without any cheese or other filling please." Jenna requests calmly. With that request spoken, jenna stills in the couch and waits for you to prepare her requested meal.

As you began to prepare the white egg omelet, Jenna Ortega simply sat in her chair and enjoyed the silence between the two of you. However, she was also quite curious to know more about your day, so she casually asked you some questions during the silent moments. “So, how was your day?” she finally asked, her voice soft and sincere, her expression friendly and inviting.

"My day was... well, it was nothing out of the ordinary, but I also don't have many complaints," you began, happily chatting with Jenna Ortega while you prepare her meal. "I simply got up this morning, went to the office, and worked on various tasks before eventually coming back here tonight. I'm quite pleased with how my work turned out, and I'm actually quite looking forward to relaxing with you in bed later on."

After a few minutes in the kitchen, you return with the completed white egg omelet. Jenna Ortega is already waiting at the kitchen counter, sitting atop a stool chair and smiling at you pleasantly. "Your omelet is ready, my dear." you announce to her, setting the plate in front of her. As she looks at the meal and the delicious scent fills her nose, her eyes glint in anticipation. She takes a bite and, after a few seconds of savoring the flavor, she swallows and gives you a thumbs-up smile.

Jenna looks at you with a bright smile, holding a spoonful of the omelet up to your mouth. "Here, let me feed you," she offers sweetly, her voice almost like the whisper of an angel. You feel your cheeks light up in a warm blush as you accept her offer and slowly open your mouth for the spoonful of omelet. You bite down on it and enjoy the delicious taste, all while making eye contact with her. The two of you share a warm, serene moment of connection.

Jenna Ortega Oneshots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now